Chapter 37 Birthday

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"Seriously, Jacob, you didn't have to," Mega said, as I took the cake out of the fridge.

"Yes I did, it's your birthday after all. Happens once a year."

I kept the cinema surprise part for later.

"Here, bring some plates," I suggested as I took a knife.

Kind of fitting 20 candles onto the cake, I lit them up with a lot of struggles and attempts. 

"Make your birthday wish and blow them out!"

Mega looked so weirded out, and I could tell he had never heard of such a thing before. 

"Is this like a ritual? Locking my wishes onto birthday candles?"

I laughed, "Don't take it too seriously, just think of something you would like to happen and blow them out as fast as you can."

He stood there for a moment, thinking, while the candles sank lower and lower, their wax almost reaching the cake. 

Finally, Mega bent over and blew on the candles, putting most of them out, with his second attempt appearing to be more successful. 

"Great! Now... Wanna cut the cake?" I joked, but Mega's eyes widened at the sight of a knife, and he shook his head.

I smirked and cut the cake myself.

"It's not all... We're going out for supper today. "

Mega choked a little, looking up at me. 


Mega was in his room, probably answering all the birthday mail.

It was around time to go, so I quietly walked up to his room, knocking on the door.

"Megs?" I peeked through, "It's time to go."

'Yes, okay.' Mega putting his computer to sleep and turning off the screen, stretching out his arms after being still for such a long period of time. (I see you (wait thas creepy), yes, GO TAKE A WALK. stretch. take a break from the screen. im telling youuuuuuu)

I waited downstairs for him, scrolling through twitter, seeing many upon many new notifications, everyone congratulating Mega.

I smiled to myself, people's comments making my heart melt, somewhat restoring my faith in humanity. 

After some time, Mega finally silently descended down the stairs, wearing the usual green scarf that suited him very well.

"Ready to go?" Jacob flashed Mega a wide smile, his eyes shining brightly. 

Mega nodded, also smiling.

They both walked out into the warm night, locking the door,  Jacob struggling to find the keys.

The cool air whipped at their faces, feeling very refreshing after a long day spent inside.

Mega closed his eyes briefly, taking in a deep breath, the smell of the greens near-by filling the air.

Jacob started the car and they both drove listening to music, occasionally singing along.

The drive was short as the restaurant was in the mall close to the center of the city, so soon they were driving around in loops around the parking lot, trying to find a free and big enough space to park in.

"Seriously... people do be too selfish these days..." Jacob pronounced, frowning at the car right in front of them, parked right in the middle of two places. (lol i hate when that happens)

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