Chapter 4 The Park at Night

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zelk pov

I decided to go for a walk.

Yeah, some fresh air would not hurt me.

I put on a hoodie - the nights here in California, San Francisco could get pretty cold.

I grabbed my phone and keys and walked out.

The warmish air whipped my face, as the stars twinkled down upon me and the clouds looked so majestic in the moonlight.

I entered the park that was close to my house and sat down on a bench.

I took a deep breath.



It was truly amazing.

The trees moved slightly in the wind.

The night birds sang softly.

The moon came out from behind the clouds.

'How did I not do this before? I should go out more often...'

This walk was really having a positive impact on me, and I promised myself to do this more often.

I gazed at the stars, not being able to look away.

How much I wished that there was someone beside me...

I just wanted to put my head on someone's shoulder and sit together in silence.

I knew exactly who I would love it to be with...

But he probably doesn't feel the same way...

'Since when am I gay? Oh well, not that it matters. True love, is important and it doesn't matter what gender.'

So I sat there in silence feeling peaceful, and for once in a long time, I had no worries.

Of course, I did worry about Mega a lot, but I pushed it out of my mind.

I didn't want to think and worry about anything right now.

So peaceful...

The leaves whispered something in the wind.

My mind and body were fully relaxed.

I came home late that night.

My sleep was calm and undisturbed, although, still light.

Mega sat on his couch, his windows open, the cold air entering freely the room.

The curtains were ripping in the slight wind.

The lights were off, and the moon was the only source of light.

Its gentle feeble rays were shining on the carpet.

mega pov

I didn't feel like sleeping.

I was again trapped in my head, alone with my thoughts.

That happened sometimes, where I could not force myself to do anything, even close the window as it was getting freezing in the room.

It all came back to depression.

I finally got the strength and will to get up and shut the windows.

After some time, I reached for a remote and turned on the tv.

Soon after I got bored of it.

Fake people acting stupid stuff.

It wasn't even entertaining.

I reached for my notebook and grabbed a pencil.

I always preferred pencils to pens, as you could erase them, and not scratch words out.

But sometimes pens were more efficient, and you didn't need to sharpen them.

Yes, I didn't like the automatic pencils.

If I was going to use a pencil, I was going to use one of the real, old ones.

I also drew sometimes, and sometimes even painted.

All my pictures were sad, as I tried to represent what my life was, through images that weren't always realistic.

It was hard, but I was often pleased with my drawings and poems.

Yeah I know, I am a much deeper person than what I usually put out myself to be.

My mask of indifference covered me securely, so people could not make fun of me anymore.

I mean yeah they still did, but if I opened up less, fewer people would know, and fewer people would make fun of me.

I guess that is why I was such a closed person.

And yeah, right, people usually didn't even care.

No one did.

'I'm just a dumb mute after all.'

I decided to continue my favorite poem, to get away from my thoughts for a bit, and focus on getting some of my feelings out, and into the poem.

This always made me feel better.

Instead of telling people what I felt, I could write stuff about myself from a different point of view so no one would know it's about me.

"As I force a smile onto my face,

I feel like in this world I have no place.

I shatter into a billion pieces every night,

And then I tell you I'm alright."

I wrote late into the night again.

Someday, this poem will be a masterpiece.

<Word count 729>

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