Chapter 32 Moving In

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zelk pov

I was tired, so I closed my eyes for what seemed like a few minutes when I heard some commotion from the bed.

For a moment I didn't care about anything in the world, I was so tired.

But I remembered that it was Mega.

I opened my eyes to find him sitting up, looking around.

Excitement and worry filled me.


"I- I thought... Mega, it's great to see you!"

He smiled at me weakly.

'What happened to me?' he signed.

"You coughed up lots of blood, stopped breathing, and passed out."

He looked mildly suprised.

"You're in a hospital now." I misinterpreted his look.

'Thanks, idiot. I wouldn't have guessed.'

I smiled and moved to sit closer to him, holding his hand.

"You have to stay until you are approved to go and have your meds. The doctors said that they will let you out today."

'What about the new place?'

"We can move in only in the evening, so we have some time. We are given a few days to move in."

Mega nodded his head and laid back on his pillow, sighing and closing his eyes.

'You need to rest as much as possible."

Mega spent most of the day sleeping, recovering.

I left the hospital for a bit to move some boxes to our new house.

The two places were pretty close, so it took me only a few drives there and back to transport all the boxes.

I carefully wrapped and boxed the remaining things, and cleaned the house.

Everything was ready for us to move in.

I locked the door and looked at the house one final time.

The sun was setting, and the place was illuminated for the last time, before becoming a silhouette against the bright, setting sun.

I turned around and left back to the hospital, to Mega.

The doctors prescribed Mega lots of medications, pills, and I was the one to make sure that he took everything he needed when he needed, knowing that he would probably forget. 

After the final checkup, the hospital let Mega go, and we left.

The drive was short and quiet.

Mega still didn't really have a voice and wasn't going to for a few weeks, at least that's what the doctors said.

I parked in the front of the garage, on the driveway, and we came out to face a dark, but a welcoming-looking house.

The stars were shining brightly above us, and even the moon came out to shine feebly upon us.

The tree on the front yard was still green, and so was the grass, which by the way, needed trimming.

Mega and I entered the house.

I have already been in there, as I unloaded the boxes, and I explored it a little.

Mega, who was new to the place, stood in the middle of the living room, looking around shocked.

'This is huge.' he signed to me finally.

"I know!"

"There are 2 bathrooms, 3 rooms, and a basement."

"Wow." Mega quietly exclaimed.

"We can explore more tomorrow, lets go sleep now." I gestured upstairs, towards the bedrooms.

"I already brought out stuff up there."

Mega nodded in thankfulness and followed me upstairs.

"This is your room, and this is mine, but we can have sleepovers," I said to him, and he gazed around in awe.

'This is frikin' amazing.'

Mega sat down on his bed, still looking around.

He had a window, like before, having an amazing view of the park.

We went to bed late that night.

Even though we both needed sleep, we just lay there talking in the dark, cuddling.

It was always very fun to have deep conversations with Mega.

We had different points of view on many things and often disagreed, but we both stayed open-minded and heard the other one out.

The moon came out and illuminated the floor and a part of the bed. 

Mega and Jacob fell asleep late that night, tired, but excited about their new house.

The morning sun rose, but the two idiots were still sleeping.

Mega woke up with a start.

He yawned and looked at Jacob, who was still asleep.

mega pov

I was bored and couldn't sleep anymore, so I decided to go explore.

Jacob was peacefully snoring as I exited the room, heading downstairs.

The living room was about at big as my old one, with the same couches that were delivered here.

The tv also stood in front of them.

I went to the kitchen.

It was almost identical to my old one.

The shelves, and fridge...

Jacob also said there was a basement, so I quietly descended there.

It was dark so I turned on the lights, them illuminating the place with a door leading to a little room.

There was a small window on the top of the room, the sun shining brightly through it.

I turned off the lights and came back upstairs to explore the other room.

Jacob's room was slightly bigger, but he knew that I preferred smaller ones, so I wasn't angry.

The bathroom also really reminded me of the one in my old house.

I walked back to Jacob, finding that he was still asleep.

On the desk beside my pc, there was a blue notebook.

The one Jacob gave me as a present!

I looked through it, the clean pages brightly shining white.

I already had some ideas of poems to fill it with.

I looked at the notebook, and then at Jacob, a smile forming on my face.

<Word count 944>

I'm so sorry for the delay!

I kinda don't have any motivation lately...

What is Mega going to do?

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