Chapter 40 Where did you go

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listen to that song while reading^  :)

zelk pov

I heard a door close quietly.

"Mega?" I called.

No answer.

Thoughts raced through my head.

There was one that always stayed in my mind with me... it wasn't a good one...

He did seem kinda sad earlier.

Was he going to-

I know we were in an argument, but I thought it was over-


I rushed to his room.

He wasn't there.


No way.

I refused to believe it.

How could I be so stupid?

I looked around, my eyes stopping on the little piece of paper, that looked like it was ripped out of Mega's new notebook.

'Jacob, I'm going out for a bit, don't wait for me.

If anything happens, just know I love you and always did.

I want you to be happy, that is my only wish.'


Tears spilled out of my eyes as I read the note.

They splattered onto the note, blurring out some of the words.

I knew exactly where he was, and I needed to act fast.

I needed to stop him.

The note crumpled in my hand, I quickly grabbed my keys and phone, rushing to the car.

"Sooo, before you goooo-" he began to sing softly along.

"Was there something I could've said to make your heart beat better?" a single tear ran Jacob's face.

It's like the radio knew what I was feeling as it turned on the song that matched what I was feeling.

"If only I'd known you had a storm to weather..."

I clutched the wheel as if I was holding onto it like my life.

"Soo, before you go, was there something I could've said to make it all stop hurting..?"

I tapped the steering wheel impatiently, waiting for the green light.

"It kills me how your mind can make you feel so worthless..." Jacob's voice cracked as he thought about all the little bits and pieces of pain he had seen in Mega's eyes. His mind went in circles as he subconsciously continued to sing the song.

"Soo, before you goooo."

My eyes were blurry and I hardly saw where I was heading.

"Would we be better off by now?" Jacob wished he'd said something more- done something... anything

"If I'd have let my walls come down?" But there was still time, there was still hope, he could solve this if he played his cards right. 

"Maybe I guess we'll never know, you know, you knooow-"

I headed to one place.

The only place it could possibly be.

I wasn't sure.

I didn't know.

I just knew one thing.

The bridge.

<Word count 451>

I know, I know, short chapter, but the next one is longer, I promise!!

sorry for the wait guys:(:

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