Chapter 25 The Departure

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Despite going to bed so late, Mega and Jacob were the first ones up, making breakfast.

Clay, George, and Nick got up next, and Zak and Bad were the latest to get up, only when the smell of burned bacon reached them.

Yeah, Jacob wasn't the best at cooking, as already mentioned.

Mega was in charge of the coffee and the eggs, and Jacob was to make bacon, but he failed dismally.

"Did something burn here?" Clay entered the kitchen.

"Are we on fire?" Sapnap came in pinching his nose.

"What happened?" George was clueless, as usual.

"Everything is alright," Jacob answered, turning off the stove, "just a little accident."

Sapnap giggled, "Yeah, little. Are these eggs?"

'Shut up, bitch' Mega signed, disposing the black pieces into the garbage, right as Bad entered the kitchen.

"Hey," Bad called, "language!"

Mega rolled his eyes and turned back to the eggs.

"Do I smell bacon and eggs!?" Zak walked into the kitchen in his pyjamas, full of energy, as always.

"So you're leaving today?" Zak asked, sitting down opposite George.

"Yeah, we are."

Sapnap took a next to the tired Jacob.

Jacob held up a hand and frowned, "Mega's sitting here."

"Oh sorry," Sapnap moved a seat over.

Mega served the food.

"Woah! That looks good!" Zak exclaimed, helping himself, "Since when can you cook?" 

Mega shrugged as he sat down on the spot Jacob saved for him.

It was about half-past 9 am, and the trio was leaving around lunchtime.

Jacob struggled to keep himself awake, although less than before, after considerable amounts of unsweetened, black coffee. 

Daryl wondered how much sleep that muffin has gotten, it couldn't have been much.

Clay and Nick sat talking on the other side of the room, while George stared into the depths of his cup, deep in thought.

The trio was to go to Florida after Canada, and it was promised that the weather was going to be a bit warmer.

It was around 11, when Clay, Nick, and George were standing by the doors, their packed bags lying beside them.

Bad and Zak were to drive them to the airport, and Mega and Zak to say their goodbyes here.

"Thank you so much for inviting us to stay" Clay patted Mega on the shoulder, making him flinch a little.

"Yeah, of course," Jacob answered for Mega, "thanks for coming."

Nick and George also exchanged their goodbyes with everyone, and they exited the building. 

Jacob and Mega went out with them to help them carry the bags.

Once everyone was set, there were some last goodbyes, and they sat in the car.

Mega and Jacob stood there, watching the car drive onto the road, and towards the airport.

They stood together, waving at them.

Soon the car disappeared from the view.

It was so peaceful without many people always milling around. 

At least that was what Mega thought.

Jacob felt a little lonely, but he enjoyed being alone with Mega.

Bad pov

Zak and I helped with the bags, and soon we were standing in the airport, exchanging some last hugs.

With the last glance, the trio started walking to the security check.

I got a last glimpse of a tall man wearing green, wave at me and disappear from view.

They left.

Zak and I stood there for a bit longer, finally returning to the car.

As it was our last day at Mega's, we all decided to go out for supper.

Jacob wasn't really planning on leaving, so Mega was guaranteed to have company for some time.

We spend our last full day, enjoying ourselves, hanging out with Mega and Jacob, talking, laughing, remembering lots of funny moments and making new ones.

zelk pov

I knew that Bad and Zak were leaving soon, but I didn't want to leave as well.

I didn't want to leave Mega alone.

God knows what he could do, and I also really enjoyed his company.

Wherever he was, it was home.

Maybe I could talk to him about moving in... if he was comfortable with that...

Maybe we could rent another place, with a bigger room to fit us both?..

I debated that.

I postponed that conversation till tomorrow.

'Today, I will focus on having the time of my life with Zak and Bad.' I thought.

mega pov

I so didn't want Jacob to leave.

I wanted him to move in with me.

But that's a long process...

But if he was willing to...

'Maybe we could also move to another apartment? That would be cool...'

I lifted my head slightly from my phone, throwing Jacob a glance, thinking.

Jacob was my everything.

'How did I live without him?'

'How will I live without him?'

When it was close to suppertime, so everyone put some nice clothes on and walked outside.

Mega and I decided to show Zak and Bad the restaurant that they went to on their first date.

We walked down the street, chatting, soon reaching the place.

"Ohhh," Bad said, "this place looks nice."

They entered.


They had an amazing time, chatting about minecraft, youtube, their lives.

Everyone seemed to have enjoyed their time, and soon they were leaving the restaurant.

"Oooh look, the sunset." Bad pointed out.

They stayed up later than usual, first watching the sunset, then the moon rising. 

Zak, Darryl, Jacob, and Mega had an amazing time together. 

<Word count 920>

Aaaaaahh I have so much schoolwork! Can hardly keep up!

I try to write as much as possible tho :)))

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