Chapter 30 The Process of Healing

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I spent most of my time looking after Mega.

He was very sick and needed someone to care for him.

I made him some soup, and now he was finally peacefully sleeping.

I sat in the other room, unpacking and looking through my things.

The notebook.

I bought Mega a brand new, blue notebook because his old one has filled to the top with poems, writings, and drawings.

'When he will wake up, I will give it to him.'

'Hopefully, he will like it.'

I also found the chocolates that I brought for him.

'That's gonna make him happy.'

Mega continued sleeping, up till suppertime.

I sat there working on my laptop when there was a knock on the door, and Mega came in sitting down beside me.

He was wrapped in a blanket, still looking very pale.

I put a hand to his forehead.

It was very hot.

"How did you sleep? I'm going to check your temperature. C'mon."

I led him downstairs, where there already was some medicine on the table and there was also a thermometer.

He sat across me, and I handed him the thermometer.

We sat there in silence, waiting for the results until it finally beeped, and Mega took it out of his mouth.


"This is pretty bad, but good news, you're going to live."

Mega smiled weakly.

"You hungry?" I stood up to give him some hot soup.

We ended up watching a movie, as neither of us felt sleepy.

2 am...

3 am...

"Mega..." I turned to him, him gazing back at me with tired eyes.


"I'm tired. I wanna sleep."

Mega moved slightly, giving me space to lie down.

"Here?" I looked at him questionably.

He nodded, turning back to the tv.

I decided to not question it and just sleep.

mega pov

'He actually fell asleep...'

I looked at him with his adorably cute with his messy hair.

As I didn't feel like sleeping, I just continued watching the movie.

I was still sick, so it was hard for me to physically or mentally function, so I tried to get as much rest as possible.

Jacob slept peacefully, which was weird seeing as he always had trouble sleeping.

I guess he was just tired.

He spent the whole day looking after me, and that was probably tiring.

Soon enough, there was some light starting to appear in the windows.

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