Chapter 42 "Dead."

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Nothing out of ordinary was really happening.

Mega and Jacob lived a happy life until misfortune struck Jacob.

His mother has cancer, but no one ever expected her to live such a short time.

It completely broke him and Mega was lost for what to do, but let's go back and look at everything from the very beginning. 

zelk pov

It was a normal day, and I just recorded, when I got a message.

At the time I was editing, so I didn't pick up my phone, a bad habit of mine, but I didn't want an added distraction.

After about 30 minutes, I finished and checked my phone.

Jacob froze up at the sight of the contact on his phone.

He sat there for a bit, finally shakily tapping on the message to see the full version.

Words jumped out at him, urging him to read faster.

"Dear Jacob, we are very sorry to say that --- --- --- died today at 11.43 am.

Despite all the medications, everything happened sooner than expected.

The funeral will be held next Thursday at the...

Have a good day, 



(i have no imagination lol)

Jacob froze in shock.

It took time for him to process what he had read. 

'How could it happen so fast? When? Why?'

Overwhelming thoughts raced in his head, making everything spin around him.

Like in a dream, Jacob got to his feet, holding onto the chair, and walking up to his bed.

He sat on it, stiff as a board, still not being able to process fully what had happened.

His head was spinning, his vision blurry, little white dots slowly filling the room and Jacob's ears were ringing. 

Jacob didn't know how much time had passed, he just knew that it wasn't real.


It could not be.


It was all a bad dream and he was going to wake up soon, finding his mother perfectly healthy, Mega beside him.


Where was he?

In the times most needed of help...

I had no strength or motivation to get myself off the bed and talk to Mega, so I just sat there, processing what had happened.

mega pov

I was bored.

It was around supper time.

I sighed and turned off my screen, turning to get up, when I remembered that I had Kiwi on my lap.

I sometimes forget that he was there, and stood up, earning a few good scratches.

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