Chapter 18, "What's your story?"

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"You hungry?" asked Chris. I bookmarked my page before closing the book.

"I can eat," I shrugged.

"What do you want? Mexican? Italian?"

"How about American," I laughed.

"Any places in mind?"

"I usually just eat burger and fries, actually I barely eat so I don't know."

"Looks like you eat to me," he smiled. "I'm not calling you fat or anything, you just..."

"I get it," I grinned.


"Sounds fine."

"Can you go down the hall and get Derick please?"

I nodded, walking down the hall and stopping at the door with Derick's name.

I knocked lightly at the door, "Um, Chris wants you," I said softly.

"Mr. Evans?" Derick questioned.

"Sure," I shrugged. I didn't even know his last name but Chris Evans sounds about right.

Derrick and I walked back down the hall into Chris's office.

"Derrick this is Emily btw," Chris said, signing some papers.

Derrick introduced himself to me, shaking my hand.

"Derrick we're ordering Chinese, so could you call and make the order and you're welcome to get yourself something too," Chris said.

"Okay what do you want Mr. Evans?" Derrick asked.

"Order everything off the menu," he smiled.

This man is crazy.

"On it sir," Derrick smiled exiting the room.

"You're really nice," I said, looking down.

"I try to be, I wasn't always like this," he sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"Might want to sit down for this," he chuckled.

"Can I?" I asked gesturing towards his desk.


I took a seat on his desk as he put aside his paperwork and leaned back in his chair.

"So... my past life is pretty rough," he sighed.

"Same, I mean I know I haven't really lived yet but my past life was really rough."

"Tell me your story first.." he said intrigued.

"Well my life was always pretty complicated I guess. Boy trouble here and there but it all came crashing down when I got to high school. The whole school thought I was a nasty slut who lost her virginity in a park."


"Yeah, it went on for about 2 or 3 years, they all thought I lost it to this boy I knew my whole life and he didn't even defend me he just let it go on but I sorta forgave him and now we're roommates. It was some type of dare to him and his friends. No one believed me. Then on top of that my mom died and my dad simply didn't give a fuck, he ended up leaving before I became a senior so I had to fend for my own."

"You don't have any other siblings?"

"Nope I'm an only child and high school was the worst fucking years of my life, I mean I guess I'm better now but it wasn't easy being alone.. you know...," I sighed.

"Wow, I would've never guessed you had it that rough. Most people couldn't have survived what you went through."

"You're telling me," I chuckled. "What's your story?"

He sighed, "I had my first kid when I was 13 so responsibility started young."

My eyes widened.

"I was in love and married to his mom. She was nice, sweet, fragile, pretty and I was mean, bitter, hardworking and it didn't really mix. I was insecure. I had anger issues that I still deal with today but it's a ton better than what it used to be. I did some things I'm not too proud of and that's why I try to change the world for the better. I hurt many people and now I do whatever I can to make amends."

"Wow seems like you're 50," I joked.

"Sometimes it feels like it, but I know what you mean about being alone during something so tragic. It hurts, it redefines you."

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Guess we're both pretty messed up people huh?"

"That we are, but 13? How?" I laughed.

"I was a very domestic child. I grew up way faster than I was supposed to."

"Meanwhile I grew up at the last minute," I sighed.

"But things are better now right?"

"Right," I smiled.

"Foods here," Derrick said walking in.

Chris and I ate whilst Derrick took his food back into his office. It was many things to choose from but I stuck with the sweet and sour chicken and the chow mein. Chris tried teaching me how to use chopsticks but it was really no luck.

"I didn't even realize it was 9pm," I said checking my phone.

"You need a ride back to your dorm? I can have my driver drop you off," Chris offered.

"Sure and thank you, You've  been extremely nice to me today and you really took my mind off my harsh reality."

"It's no problem, you distracted me too."

"There's nothing like talking to a stranger in a coffee shop," I laughed.

"Nothing else like it."

He walked over to his phone dialing his driver and letting him know where to take me.

"I'll return your book and I'll most likely be borrowing another one," I grinned.

"Here's my card," he said, handing me a small business card.

"See you later," I smiled, walking out of his office.

I took the elevator down to find the driver parked right out front. The driver was fairly nice and he kindly drive me back to the dorms.

I walked in the room to find Jake cleaning up.

"Someone got out today," he smiled.

"Yeah, I couldn't stay in here and be depressed," I said, sitting down my backpack.

"Feel any better?"

"Actually yeah, you were right, I need to deal with reality and that's what I'll do," I smiled.

"Woah, where the hell is Emily?"

"Can you just be happy I'm going to try and make some progress?"

"Congratulations," he said rolling his eyes.

I ignored him going into the bathroom to take a shower. I don't want to get my hopes and say I know things will be fine because I know they won't but I hope things start looking up more.

It's time for me to face the mistakes I've made and try to fix them. No one owes me sympathy or pity, everything is on me so I will face my own shit.

When I got out the shower, I got dressed and climbed into bed.

"Did you want to watch something?" I asked.

"The Last Song?" Jake smiled with a shrug.

I shook my head putting on the movie for the 100th time. I swear we've watched this movie too many times to count but I don't even care.

"I'm proud of you Em," Jake said softly.

"Thanks," I smiled.

I want to be proud of me too....

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