Chapter 34, "Visitor..?"

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Chase's POV

"She's awake!!!" I yelled.

Dr. Pierce and Nurse Pierce examined her while I kept my eyes pierced into hers. There's no way she's awake, no fucking way.

"What's happening?" I questioned.

"Chase, we need you to step outside," Nurse Pierce said, walking towards me.

"You know I'm not doing that."

"Please, she's okay. I promise," she assured.

"Okay," I sighed, slowly walking out the door. She closed it immediately and there I was just standing in the hallway looking around.

Some more people rushed in the room but I somehow remained calm. Nurse Pierce said she was okay and I trust her so I'll just wait here.

30 minutes later...

Dr. Pierce walked out with his clipboard in his hand, closing the door behind him. I remained sitting on the ground while he kneeled beside me.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, is she?"

"She's fine actually," he nodded.


"A miracle I've never seen," he sighed, "She's recovered very well."

"That's good," I exhaled, giving him an unexpected hug.


"But?" I questioned.

"She's going to be on suicide watch Chase. I don't know how long because that's not up to me to decide but when she's released which will be in less than a week, they will take her."

"I won't let them."

"Son that's out of your control, it's for her safety."

"How long? How long will she be locked up like a mental person?"

"Until they feel like she isn't a danger to herself," he sighed.

"But she..."

"I know," he interrupted, "I know."

"Is she back to normal?" I asked.

"Her vitals and everything are fine. She's probably in a bit of pain right now but she's aware of her surroundings and she can feel everything so she should be ready to engage in conversation whenever she wants."

"So I can talk to her and she'll hear me?"

"She heard you Chase," he smiled, "now she can respond."

"Thank you," I said, giving him yet another hug, "Thank you so much doctor."

"No problem, go on in," he encouraged, "And tell that wife of mine to come out."

I laughed a little before going back in the room. As soon as I looked up Emily's eyes focused in my direction.

"Um, Doctor Pierce wants you nurse," I said, not breaking eye contact with Emily.

"Okay, have fun," she smiled.

Have fun?

I let out a deep breath before slowly walking to Emily's bedside. Its strange how I don't know what to say know when I had a lot to say these last couple weeks.

"Hey," I smiled, taking a seat. Her eyes continued to stare into mine as her pale lips separated.

Emily's POV

After all this time I wake up and guess who's still here? Chase..! I'm really beyond thankful for him which is why I don't know what to say. I mean what can I say?

"Hey Chase, sorry I called you then jumped in front of a truck and ruined you guys' life. Oh and I'm sorry you had wasted you time everyday being here with me when you could've been moving on with your life..."

I can't say that, I want to but I can't. The last thing I need is for me to say something stupid and make him leave. I want him to stay and I'm glad he did stay. Not many people do that..

"You don't have to force yourself to talk," he said, pulling me out of my head.

I tried to mumble something out but maybe I wasn't ready? I don't know this is all still so confusing and I just want to say thank you. Wait there's a pen and paper here right? Of course there is.

I slowly raised my finger pointing to the nearby desk across the room. Chase watched and walked over trying to figure out what I was talking about.

"This?" he asked, raising up a bottle of water.

I pointed again making him pick up several more items until he finally got to the notepad.

"Mmmm," I said, making usual sounds.

"Paper," he smiled, walking over. I moved my fingers trying to mimic a writing utensil and surprisingly he quickly caught on.

"Pen," he smiled, going to grab it off the table.


Once he handed me the pen, I scribbled the words thank you on the notepad but it came out pretty horrible.

"What does it say?" he asked.

"Htank ou," I muttered.


"HTANK OU," I said, trying to speak up.

"Tom Hanks?" he smiled. I rolled my eyes rewriting the words this time a little better.

"T..." he squinted. "Thank you."

"Mmmmmm," I exaggerated.

"That's what it says? Thank you?" he questioned. I nodded my head gaining a smile from him.

"Oh you're telling me thank you?"

Duh chase! Fucking duh!

"Mmhm," I nodded.

"Baby, no thank you," he smirked, giving me a hug and a kiss on the forehead, well on my bandage.

Baby? Baby? Mmmmmmm.

"I should call and tell Jake and my dad you've awaken huh?" he asked.


He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialed Jake first then his dad. I think I heard them say they're going to come up here, I don't know. This big ass bandage is too tight around my head.

"Emily I feel like my heart is at ease now," he smiled.

"I... wuv you.." I muttered out.

"You wuv me?" he laughed. "I wuv you too."

I rolled my eyes at his annoyance. This fucking medicine needs to leave my system, I'm tired of this.

"Knock knock," Dr. Pierce said, opening the door.

"Hey doc she just told me she wuvs me," Chase grinned.

"Did she?" Dr. Pierce laughed.

"Imdiot," I said, shaking my head and making them both laugh.

Chase sure is laughing a lot, I don't remember him doing much of that when I was down under but then again, he loves me and I tried to kill my self. Now I'm awake and alive!!

"I actually came in here because Emily you have a visitor," Dr. Pierce smiled.


"Is it Jake or my dad?" Chase asked.

"Nope, sir you can come in now," Dr. Pierce called.

It took the visitor a while before stepping in the doorway and when he did my heart immediately dropped. I felt like I was dying all over again, there's just no way he's here. The clinging of his boots just brought back so many memories that I once hurried, there's no way.

"Dad?" I questioned.

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