Chapter 38, "Rumble Night Pt.2"

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Jake's POV

Miley and I were drunkenly dancing when Chase and Emily approached us. I squinted my eyes to make sure it was actually them and it surely was.

"What's up?" Chase asked, dapping me up.

"Sup bro."

Emily surprised me by pulling me into a hug and I quite frankly didn't want to let go. Don't ask me why, I'm wasted right now.

"I'm sorry, everyone this is Miley," I introduced.

"What's up Miley," Chase nodded.

"Long time no see," she glanced.

"I'm Emily," Emily smiled.

"Hey, I heard a lot about you. I hope we can be friends," Miley smiled.

"Mhm," Emily nodded, gulping down her drink.

We talked a little more before we all decided to go get something to eat along with Carlos and Bre and Vinnie and Vanessa. I was actually glad to get some food because I was hungry as hell.

We split up in 4's and drove to Waffle House. When we made it, we took a big booth table and the waiter didn't take too long to serve us. We all took turns ordering, me more than everybody, but hey I'm a man that can eat. About 20 minutes later the food came and we wasted no time digging in.

"This is some good hash browns," Carlos chewed.

"Right," Emily agreed, mouth full.

"Welcome to America Carlos," I laughed.

"Again with the racist jokes," he hissed.

"Not you're being racist Jake. That's muy mala," Emily said, shaking her head.

"Okay because how do you know Mexican?," I pointed. "I've known you my whole life, there's no way you're from another descendant."

"Tonto Estupido," she sighed.

"Buena esa princesa," Carlos nodded.

"Okay cut the shit, we don't understand that," Vinnie said, eating his pork chop.

"C'mon Jake, we literally took spanish together," Emily laughed.

"Yeah well I was too busy paying attention to you to even pay attention to the actual class," I blurted out.

Oh shit...

The room went silent as we all stared blankly at each other. I felt Miley shift uncomfortably under my arm and I felt really terrible considering I am here with her.

"Anyways....." Chase exhaled.

"Moving along, oh oh, moving along," Vanessa sang.

"Babe no," Vinnie sighed, "Please don't start."

"But you love my singing," she frowned.

"Do I?" Vinnie asked rhetorically causing all of us to laugh.

We all chatted some more before we left and headed back to the campus. Everyone was mostly cleared out but there still were students laundering. We decided to go in and lounge out since we are at the school alone after all.

"Anybody up for drinking games and truth or dare or hell any interesting game," Vinnie grinned.

Emily's POV

"I'm in," I beamed. Chase gave me a serious look before finally agreeing too, along with everyone else. Vinnie left for a while and returned with about 8 bottles of liquor.

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