Chapter 47, "I'm danger"

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I woke up to Jace sitting on the edge of the bed watching tv. I expected he'd be gone by now but here he is, still here. I remember everything from last night and best believe I feel it too. How do fingers and a tongue hurt? I don't know, but looking at this man, well his bare back, he actually looks like an angel of some sort.

Maybe because of the huge bird wings he has tatted..

"Stop staring," he snared, still focusing on the tv.

"How did you-"

"There's a lot I know," he grinned, once again me not seeing it, instead hearing it.

I avoided asking the question as to why he's still here for both our sakes. Mainly because I know he'll say something harsh and then I'll regret ever bringing it up.

"I stayed because I didn't have anything better to do and I remember you saying you shouldn't be alone," he said abruptly, answering my thoughts.

"I wasn't going to say anything."

"You didn't have to, I know you wanted to ask."

"What are you some sort of mind reader?" I laughed.

"I'm a lot of things," he smiled.

That you are...

I smiled, my heart fluttering a bit but that was soon interrupted when his phone dinged and he grunted in frustration.

"For fucks sake," he mumbled.

"Everything okay?" I whispered asked.

"No, I have to go... um..... I'll call or text you but I'll probably be busy," he said, kicking on his shoes.

"So you're just about to storm out without telling me what's going on. I know that message is important, can't you tell me?"

"If I tell you anything about me or what I do, I'd have to kill you," he said harshly like he really didn't care at all.

Not like I haven't tried myself..

"Okay," I nodded, watching him leave the room.

Jace's POV

Of course these guys can't do anything I fucking ask them to. I have to do every damn thing myself, and of course Emily thinks I'm just storming out for no good reason.

Fucking fuck me!

I hit the steering wheel one good time before driving off to one of the abandoned warehouses.  I really hate to be doing this right now but if I want something done then I obviously have to do it myself.

I parked the car and got out, busting in the broken down door.

"Boss you're here," Roger said.

I looked past him and down at the man that was strapped to the chair, blood gushing down his face.

"He's not talking," Rio said.

"Yeah," I scoffed, "You were supposed to get him to do that. Are you that fucking horrible at following orders?"

"At least we texted you," Rio snapped.

"Yeah but I was with..." I sighed, "Never-mind it doesn't matter."

"Please, I have a family," the man begged.

I pulled a chair up in front of him him and sat in it backwards.

"You have a family huh?" I grinned.

"Yeah please, I don't know anything- I- please man- please-..."

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