Chapter 22, "What Happened"

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"Stop," I cried.

He pulled down his pants just enough for him to get his member out.

"No!" I kicked.

"This is going to shut you up bitch," he grinned.

"Stop! Please" I screamed.

"What is all this racket down here," Vinnie said walking down the stairs.

Mark quickly got startled as Nicole appeared from behind Vinnie.

"What the fuck?" Nicole said.

"Baby it's not what you think," Mark lied.

"Emily how could you? You're supposed to be my best friend and here you are trying to fuck my boyfriend. Or did you already?" She snapped.

I shook my head in disbelief at her words, tears still streaming down my eyes. I did nothing with this fucking perv.

"I was telling him to stop," I cried.

"Sure you did," she scoffed.

Mark quickly got off of me leaving me frozen and clung to the couch. I'm glad nothing happened but the fact that it almost did and I'm getting blamed is beyond me.

"He was forcing me, I didn't scream for nothing," I stated.

"Shut the fuck up you lying slut!" She yelled.

"Nicole that's enough," Vinnie warned.

"No fuck this. This bitch cheated on Chase with his own best friend now she's here trying to fuck my boyfriend like the fucking whore she is," Nicole lashed.

I shook my head as the events replayed in my head.

"You know she's easy," Mark said.

I got off the couch rushing to the door. Chase was just about to come in but I bolted pass him and into my car.

"What the fuck did y'all do to her?" I heard him yell.

It's not about what they did, it's about what almost happened and what they said. I quickly pushed the button, driving off. I was in no condition to drive but I had to get away.

My eyes flooded with tears and all I could think about was me screaming and what hurts the most is no one believes me.

I'm not a whore. I'm not easy. That's no! It's like high school all over again and I can't take it. I can't fucking take it.

BANG!!!! BANG!!!! BANG!!!

When I opened my eyes all I could see was the car's blinding lights in front of me. I looked at my hands noticing the blood, my blood I'm assuming.

I forcefully opened the car door stepping out. I was in a extreme amount of pain but I didn't know what had happened.

"Ma'am are you okay?" A man said touching my arm.

I quickly pulled away, turning around and noticing my car wrecked. Damn when did I get in a accident, how? My eyes were on the road.

"Hey, what's your name," the man asked.

I looked ahead of me trying to make out what I saw. Everything was a bit fuzzy but I saw C Tech plastered right across the street. I walked off leaving the man, the car and the accident behind.

"Ma'am? Ma'am" the man called out but I wasn't turning around.

When I made it to the building I quickly rushed in and to the elevator.

"Excuse me? You can't be here!" I heard the desk lady call out but I was already on the elevator.

When I was on the fifth floor, I quickly ran into Chris's office. He was sitting at his desk on the phone but when he saw me he quickly got up.

I opened the door, running into his arms.

"Emily!" He shouted worried.

I let out a loud cry into his chest.

"Derick!!!!" he yelled. "Call 911!!"

Some time later...

I woke up to the sound of a machine beeping. When my vision fully came back I noticed I was in a hospital bed on a breathing machine. I quickly pulled the ventilator off my face causing Chris to rush to my bedside. I didn't even know he was here.


"Yeah, are you okay? Do you need to put this back on?"

"No I'm okay, what happened? Why am I here?" I asked confused.

"You were in a car accident. You don't remember leaving the scene and coming to my office?"

I shook my head. I remembered waking up to lights flashing in my eyes after what happened at Chase's house but it was kind of blurry.

"I um.. I'm sorry. I ruined your shirt," I said, looking at the blood stains.

"I don't care about this shirt," he grinned. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry," I apologized again.

"Emily stop, this isn't your fault," he sighed.

But it is. I got into a car accident on my own, it must be my fault just like everything else.

"Is it bad?" I asked.

"No you just got a couple scratches."

"Good. I hate hospitals," I said, unhooking myself from the machines.

"Yeah you're not leaving Emily we need to be sure."

"Chris I'm fine, I can't stay here."


"I watched my mom die in a hospital... I can't stay Chris," I said softly, my eyes watering up.

He gave me a understanding nod leaving the room.

He returned with a bag of my belongings as he helped me out the bed.

"I checked you out," he said.


We wrapped his arm around me for support as we left the room. We walked to his car. His driver kindly opened the door for us as we got in.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Chris asked.

I nodded. But the truth was I wasn't okay. I don't know how I could be. People think I'm just a liar and a dumb girl.

"I don't want to go back there," I cried.

"Emily..." he whispered softly.

He wrapped his arm around me as I rested my head onto his shoulder. He wiped away my tears, holding my hand. I closed my eyes but the only thing I kept seeing was Mark on top of me causing me to cry more.

It's not okay what he tried to do. Who's to say he hasn't done that before? I can't even say anything because no one would believe me. It's 1 against them.

"Thank you Lucious," Chris said causing me to raise my head up.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"My house," he said, opening the door.

I got out the car walking with him up the long driveway. His house was a sight for sore eyes and it looked like it had been built solely by him.

"It's nice," I said.

"Thanks. It just recently got finished."

He unlocked the door and to my surprise the house was black and grey interior designed which shouldn't have came as a surprise since Chris's mind is very artistic.

But his house was different. It was neat, dark and memorable.

I followed him to his bedroom which was downstairs. I swear his room was the size of the theatre at our school.

"Make yourself comfortable," he smiled.

I immediately laid eyes on the bed, climbing into it. It was so nice and warm and exactly what I needed. Chris came back in handing me a bottle of water but after that my eyes closed as I drifted off....

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