Chapter 17: You Arent Connor

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I pull into the station, nervously taking off my seatbelt. I sit in my seat with a sigh, glancing over at Connor who is looking at me.

"Y/N, we will only be seeing him for a few minuets." He says.

"This is so awkward.." I say under my breath before opening my door and getting out of my car. Connor gets out with me, walking behind me as I enter the station.

My eyes dart around for Hank, and I'm quick to notice him sitting at his desk filling out paper work.

Me and Connor walk over, standing in front of him.

"It's about fuckin time." He says, not looking up at his while flipping through papers.

Me and Connor exchange looks.

I clear my throat before sitting down in the chair across from him, leaning in closely and hoping no one else can hear me.

"I uh.. sorry about this morning-." I say, laughing nervously as I start looking to around and making sure no one is looking.

Hank sets down his pen, shaking his head. "Are you- did you seriously sleep with that?" Hank says, shaking his head while motioning his hand at Connor.

I shake my head in embarrassment, covering my face with a sigh.

"Look-" Hank says standing up from his chair. "It's not my fuckin' problem. Like I said, I was only looking for him." He says, walking away.

I slowly stand back up, glancing at Connor.

"See? It's just Hank." He says.

"What if he tells the Chief?" I say worriedly, crossing my arms as I look over at the Chief who is sitting in his office.

"If anyone will get in trouble it's going to be me. I'm... I'm not supposed to do things like that." Connor says, moving his hands behind his back.

"I won't let them near you." I say with a smile, nudging my shoulder against his.


Today was my first real day back at the station. I'm stuck filling out paper work for now until I'm allowed back on missions again.

I looked at the time on my computer screen.

10:24 pm.

I haven't seen Connor all day.

I tapped my desk before standing up and putting my files away, and gathering my things.

"Heading out?" I hear Connors voice say behind me.

I don't look at him, but a smile grows on my face to the sound of his voice. "Uh, yeah." I say, walking outside.

I turn around to look at him.

He looked...


He wore a much whiter coat, and his eyes seemed brighter.

I gave him a confused smile, just going along with it.

"I like the new look..?" I say, walking up to him, running my hands up his chest and behind his neck.

"I have always looked like this, Detective." He says robotically and seriously, completely ignoring my touch.

I thought he was only joking around with me.

"Did Hank do this to you?" I say jokingly, leaning in and kissing his upper lip.

Connors lips do not move with mine. His hands remain to his sides, his eyes still open while looking down at me with an expressionless face.

He felt...cold.

I pull away, taking my hands off of him. "Are you okay..?" I ask concerned.

He doesn't respond.

Instead he reaches in his back pocket, calmly pulling out a gun and aiming at my head.

"So you're the deviants lover?"

I slowly realized this wasn't my Connor. I feel sick to my stomach.

"It's a simple question, Detective." He says, his voice growing louder.

My mouth opens but no words come out.

"You have violated his program! You made him a deviant because you can't keep your hands to yourself. He's a machine. He dosent love you." He says, starting to walk towards me.

No.. no that can't be true.

I'm forced to start walking backwards as he presses the gun to my forehead.

"I'm going to give you one last chance, Detective. I will pull this trigger and find him myself if you don't speak up." He says firmly.

"No! No..please- don't hurt her." I hear another Connor voice say.

We both look to our left to see Connor with his hands opened to his sides surrenderingly.

My Connor.

The Human In Me: Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now