Chapter 12: Revenge

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I check the rounds in my gun, turning my head and looking at Connor and Hank who are doing the same.

The rest of the team hops in the van, sorting bullet proof vests and guns.

Our team managed to track a team of deviants.

"Destination coordinates?" Connor asks Fowler, handing me a vest.

"Hank has them. Be careful out there. They've taken down many of our men and women." He says, crossing his arms, looking at the van.

"The situation is under control now." I say, sliding the vest on over my head.

Connor moves behind me, strapping the velcro on the sides of the vest tightly. "We don't know that until we get there, Detective." He says.

I grab my hair, pulling it out from my vest and tying it up.

Hank pats my arm as he jumps into the back of the van. "Are you ready Y/N?" He asks.

I purse my lips and nod, getting up into the van with Connor.


The van door opens as we arrive.

Everyone jumps out of the van, hurrying to the supposed main entrance.

Connor jumps out quickly running to the main entrance. He turns around, looking at me.

He walks back up the the van, offering me his hand.

I ignore his gesture, jumping off by myself.

Connor pulls out his gun and pointing it towards the door. I do the same, glancing up at him.

"All clear." One of the officers say into the microphone on his neck before kicking the door open.

The officers rush inside, looking for a threat. I walk along side Hank and Connor as we search the building.

"Split up.." Hank says quietly, turning his finger in circles in the air.

We go in different directions.


I make my way down a hall, slowly peeking into each room.

I slowly walk to the of the hall, not paying attention. My guard goes down as I turn, looking around the corner.

I look up to see an Android.

My eyes widen as I quickly raise my gun, firing shots.

It does the same as the sound of zipping bullets hit my chest repeatedly.

The impact against my vest knocks me out, falling backwards as I hit my head against the tile floor, my gun sliding out of reach.

I try my best to open my eyes, searching in fear for my gun.

I'm too late, I look up to see the Android pinning me down.

I clench my teeth, reaching up and grabbing the gun it was aiming at me.

The gun turns, shooting the floor next to my ear.

My ears began ringing loudly. I was unable to hear anything.

A bullet zips, hitting it in the head.

Blue blood drips down it's forehead as it falls off of me.

I clenched my teeth in pain, closing my eyes as my hands grabbed my chest.

"Y/N....? Y/N.....!" A muffled voice could be heard. My ears were ringing too loud to hear who it was.

They grabbed my shoulders, shaking me lightly. I opened my eyes to see Connor, and Hank who was behind him.

A light was shined into my eyes, my eyelids being pulled up.

"She looks like she's in shock.." Hanks muffled voice said, looking over at the Android.

"She has bullet holes in her vest." Connor says, his LED switching between yellow and red.

"Y/N? Can you hear me?" He asks, shaking me by my shoulders again.

I started to feel faint.

I opened my mouth, unable to make words.


I wake up to the sound of a heart monitor.

I open my eyes slowly, looking around.

I was in the hospital.

I sighed loudly, reaching my hand up and running my fingers through my hair weakly.

I was quick to notice a figure sitting in a chair next to my bed.

"Your always around." I say after a few seconds, dropping my arm back onto the bed.

"I was ordered to stay here and watch you, Detective." Connor says.

"Isn't that the nurses job?" I say jokingly.

"Me and Lieutenant Anderson wernt too far away when we heard gunshots." He says standing up, ignoring my joke.

"...God I miss Traci so much..-" I say after a few seconds, tears forming in my eyes.

Connor looks down at me, his hand hesitantly moving on top of mine.

"She's my- my person. She must of been so scared to see those Androids.. she didn't d-deserve that. Why didn't they just kill me instead.." I say, sobbing harder.

"It wouldn't be any better if it were you." Connor was quick to say.

"And why is that? You don't seem to care that much." I say, refusing to look at him.

"You were her person too. She would feel the same way, Y/N."

I took a deep breath.

"I don't- I don't wanna talk about it." I said, feeling my throat tighten.

Connor nods. "Can I ask you something?" He asks.

"As long as it's not about Traci." I say, looking up at him.

He caresses my hand gently, looking down at it.

"What did the kiss mean? Back at the station?" He finally says.

I scoff, wiping tears from my eyes with my free hand. "I uh- I don't know. It was in the heat of the moment." I say, sniffing.

"I didn't know how to react. I'm not programmed to be kissed and touched like that, Detective" Connor says, turning his head to me.

"So what'd you think when I did?" I asked out of curiosity, watching his hand on top of mine.

Connor stood in silence, looking away from me.

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