Chapter 3: Interegation

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"Jesus Christ. How did she even know this was here?" Hank says, shining his flashlight in the hole.

"The deviant has been living with Cassie for a while. It must know everything about this house since it was Cassies care taker." Connor replies, moving his hands behind his back.

I moved my hand to my forehead. "I need some air." I say, walking out of the room.

"What's wrong with her?" Hank asks, shining his light at Connor.

"She was struck in the head by the door. She has a minor concussion." Connor says.

"Well go get her some ice or something then!" Hank says motioning his hand towards the door.


I made my way out the front door, lifting the crime tape over my head.

"Y/N is everything alright?" I could hear Connor say behind me.

I sit on top of the trunk of the car, moving my hair out of my face while looking at him.

"Would you like me to bring you some ice?" Connor asks.

I smile and shake my head. "No, I'm okay. Go complete your mission." I say mockingly.

Connor returned the smile. "It seems like you want to complete it as badly as I do, considering you went out of your way to find the deviant." He says.

I scoff and turn my head the other way.

"But we aren't quite done. We need to interrogate the deviant to know exactly what happened. Are you up for that too?" He asked, patting the trunk of the car while looking up at me.

I hop off the car, brushing my shoulder against his as I walked to the passenger side of the car. "It's my job, I'm always up for it."


"So who's going in first?" Hank says, looking through the invisible glass at the deviant on the other side.

"I'll go." Connor says, already walking out to the deviants room.

Hank and I exchanged looks of doubtfulness as we watched him enter the room, sitting down in front of her.

He stared at her, possibly analyzing her.

"Talk to me." Connor finally says.

"No. No one will believe me. You guys won't believe me." She says in a worried voice.

"Why did you kill Cassie? After all these years?" Connor says, sitting closer to the table.

She didn't answer.

"You didn't even bother running away, you hid under the floor board thinking we wouldn't find you." Connor says, his voice growing more firm.

The deviant looked around the room nervously, still refusing to talk.

"If you don't talk to me then you leave me no choice than to probe your memo-" Connor was interrupted.

"No please! No no please don't do that I beg you-" The deviant finally says, pulling at her handcuffs.

"I can't watch this anymore." I say, impatiently hurrying out of the room and going to the other side. I open the door.

"I'm in the middle of something." I Conner says, not turning around.

"Get out." I say shaking my head and pointing at the door.

He turned around. "Detective-"

"Connor I really need a word with you." I say firmly, holding the door open with my foot.

He finally gets up, giving me an angered look on his way out.


"If you just gave me a damn minuet I could of gotten something out of it. She was about to spill!" Connor says.

"Your scaring her and that's not going to get her to say anything." I say.

I turn back around, opening the door and sitting down calmly. I look over at the blank wall, knowing Connor and Hank can see me.

"We aren't going to hurt you, we just want to talk. I promise nothing is going to happen to you." I say, reaching over and putting my hand on hers that was cuffed to the table.

She looked up at me, opening her mouth but no words come out.

"I'm tired of living like this. I'm tired of being ordered around, you know?" She finally says quietly.

"So why did you kill Cassie? Did she hurt you?" I ask, feeling it squeeze my hand.

"No, she just made me do everything for her. From the day I was programmed to listen to her to the... moment I killed her. She made me feel like I was doing something wrong, she always talked about how much she hated me and wanted to replace me."

I nodded, glancing over at the wall.

"But no. I know she's wrong. I was angered. It all just happened so fast."

"How did you...kill her?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"She-she hit me on the back of the head, and told me I was useless. So I lashed out and just started hitting her over.. and over.. and over again."

"Okay." I say quietly, standing up.

"Are they really going to probe my memory? Am I really going to die?" She asked, shifting uncomfortably.

I turned around. "No, they won't."

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