Chapter 9: Kiss Me, Connor

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I sigh. Taking my hands off of him.

"You are what has been on my mind. I can't stop thinking about you." I say again.

"I don't understand, what about me?" Connor asks, looking down at me with big eyes.

"You... you don't feel the same way, huh?" I say, feeling stupid. I lean back against the wall.

Conner makes his way in front of me so I'm looking at him.

"Me and you being in a relationship would be inappropriate Detective. You understand, right?" Connor says.

I look up at him, moving my hand to his shoulder.

"You don't date." I say with a smirk, remembering what he said in the car about Traci.

"That's correct. I don't have feelings. But Y/N, I still don't quite understand." Connor asks.

I take my hand off of him, shrugging. "Connor I like you. And I don't know why, I really don't. I just do." I say, looking away from him.

Connor didn't say anything back. I walk away, headed back to my car.

"Y/N?" I hear Connor say behind me. I stop in my tracks, letting out a sigh.

I quickly turn around, walking up to him. My hands hold his face as I lean in, kissing him gently.

His hands hesitantly move to my rib cage.

Our lips slowly depart by themselves.

He felt so human- like.

I open my eyes, letting my hands run down his chest and off of him. His eyes were still opened, blinking slowly with a confused look on his face.

"Im sorry." I say before taking a step back, turning around and going back to the parking lot.


I get in my car, sitting in silence while brushing away the hairs that are sticking to my wet lips.

I hit my steering wheel before covering my face.

I'm such an idiot.

I began pulling out of the parking lot before quickly realizing my phone was still in the police station. I hit the palm of my hand against my forehead.

You've got to be kidding me.

I quickly got out of the car, running back to the station hoping I wouldn't see Connor. Sure enough, he was standing in the same exact spot I left him in.

I stop in my tracks, looking at him from a distance. He began walking towards me.

"Connor I- I'm sorry. I don't know what I was doing-"

He stopped in front of me, looking down at me confused.

"Why did you kiss me, Detective?" Connor asks. I look down, too embarrassed to look at him.

"We can't be in a relationship. You know that." He says.

"We uh- we work together. And I'm sorry, I'll make sure it stays that way.." I say quietly. Connor walks back to the station, not saying anything back.

I let out a sigh, turning around and going back to my car.

I really messed up.


I pulled into my driveway, tiredly.

Traci was in my driveway, looking upset. She ran up to my car.

"Y/N!" I could hear her yelling faintly, I quickly turned off my car, getting out.

"Traci? Traci what's wrong?" I ask worriedly, shutting my door and grabbing her shoulders.

"Androids.. deviants.. th-they're coming for your Y/N. They're coming for you." Traci says, out of breath.

The Human In Me: Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now