Chapter 14: Pleasure (Pre-Smut)

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I stood in front of the doorway to my own house.

I'd left the hospital yesterday, and I didn't want to stay at the station.

I didn't want to see Connor.

I deeply inhale, sticking the key in my door, unlocking it. I was dreading the moment I would see the inside of my house for the first time in several weeks.

I pushed the door open slowly, walking inside and setting down my things

I look over at where Traci had been shot. I feel overwhelmed with emotions as the sounds of her cry, and the gunshot echo through my head.

I turn my head away, the feeling of warm brewing tears fill my eyes.

I let out a hard sigh while my lips tremble as I unpack my things.


10:45 PM.

I lay on my couch, using my TV as background noise while I use my phone.

I hear a firm knock on my door.

I shake my head, knowing exactly who this might be. I lay for a another second as I hear the knocking grow louder.

"Jesus I'm coming.." I say under my breath as I get up slowly, making my way to the door.

I open it, not surprised by who I see.

"Yes, Connor?" I ask, a bit annoyed to see his unpleasant presence.

"Hello, Detective. I wanted to talk to you." He says. I move onto the porch with him, shutting my door behind me.

"Okay, about what?"

"To say I'm sorry. I said things in the hospital that I shouldn't have." He says.

I look down. He was right, and I felt sorry too.

"Well I guess we all say things we don't mean sometimes." I say, shrugging.

Connor nods.

"I'm sorry too." I finally say after a long pause.

"No need to be sorry." He says.

"And uh- - why did you.. kiss me?" I ask.

"I just.. wanted to show you that not everything I do is programmed. Just that one time I did something I wasn't supposed to.." He says in a worried voice.

"Your not deviant Connor.." I say reassuringly.

"What if I am?"

"It's not your fault if you are." I say, putting one of my hands in his sympathetically.

"They'll destroy me and look for any flaws in my software to find out what's wrong with me." He says worriedly.

"I won't let them." I say with a smile, trying to make him feel better.

"Y/N I don't think you understand, it's out of your reach to save me if Cyberlife does- - " His LED blinks red.

"Hey, hey...Connor.." I say softly, reaching up and running my finger tips against the side of his face.

It takes a second before switching to yellow.

"There's nothing wrong with you.." I say quietly as I watch it.

He doesn't respond, still looking shaken up by his own thoughts.

I rest my other hand on his chest, pursing my lips before leaning in and kissing him.

And this time, I meant it. I really meant it.

His lips slowly started to move with mine, his hand moving behind my head.

A relaxed sigh escapes my nostrils as we kiss, moving back and fourth between his bottom and upper lip.

We both pull away slowly, going back in spontaneously to satisfy ourselves.

Connor exhales lightly.

"...So do you wanna come in or what?"  I ask, taking my hands off of him, grabbing the door handle.

Connor nods his head at the door.

I open it, letting him follow me inside before shutting it behind me.

I turn around to face him. Connor is standing with his hands behind his back, looking down at me.

"You know you can just sit down anywhere, you don't have to wait for me."

I say with a smile, reaching up and running my hands under the shoulders of his jacket, slowly sliding it off for him and resting it on the side table.

"I didn't want to be rude." He says, letting me take it.

I take his hand gently as he speaks, guiding him with me as I sit back down on my couch.  He hesitates before sitting next to me.

"Stay with me for awhile." I say quietly, resting my head in his lap as I close my eyes, tucking my hands next to my chest.

My eyes open quickly to the feeling of something pressing hard up against my head from underneath. Connor begins shifting slightly and opening his legs with a sigh.

I pick my head up slowly, and my eyes can't help but drift off to his crotch that are bulging with a print in his pants. I glance up at him. "You.. okay?" I ask, feeling the corner of my lips slowly pull into a smirk.

"Uh this.. has happened before. I- don't exactly know what to do when it does occur.." Connor says, slightly embarrassed.

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