Chapter 20: 147

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Connor drops the diary on Hanks desk.

"The fuck' is this?" Hank asks, crossing in his arms while motioning his head at it.

"Elijah Kamski's diary." I say proudly, sitting on his desk.

"You guys found a diary? A diary?" He asks, unimpressed.

"Me and Y/N went through a lot of trouble to find that diary. It's all we could find." Connor says.

"You guys went all dressed up in there, blending in as a coup-" Hank looks at me. It was like we were thinking the same thing.

I still loved Connor. And I wished we were a real couple. I wished he'd meant it.

Hank lets out a sigh through is nose and looks away from me, picking up the diary. "Did you read any of it?" He asks in a calmer voice, picking it up and pressing his thumb down against the pages and making them flip.

"Breifly. We had to get out of there before we were suspected." Connor says.

"I can't even fuckin' read it." Hank exclaims.

Hank hands me the diary. "Go take this to the archive room and check it out. It's all numbers and shit I don't know what it says." He left it opened on a page that was filled with numbers and lines.

I nod at him before closing the book and walking to the archive room. Connor gives no hesitation following me around like he always does.

I take my keycard out of my pocket, pressing it against the door scanner to the archive room when a unfortunate, familiar voice is heard behind us.

"Where are you going with that thing?" Gavin Reed says loudly and obnoxiously, looking up at Connor.

"Going down to the archive room and hopefully decoding.." I show him the journal.

"This." I say.

He nods. "Okay well I don't think Connor here should be going down there with you. Maybe I should take his place instead." He says with a cocky smile.

I shake my head, annoyed. "This isn't your case, Gavin."

"Why do you care about this piece of shit so much? Are you in love with it or something-?"

"Gavin, please just sto-"

"You know, everyone saw that pathetic little scene of you holding his plastic ass in your arms before he died." Gavin says, pointing his finger dramatically at Connor and then back at me.

Connor looks over at me with a confused look in his eyes, but he remains silent.

The archive door opens. I put my card back in my pocket, not responding to Gavin.

"Oh come on, let me in on the case.." Gavins hands grab my waist, making me jolt. His voice slowly started moving closer to my ear from behind.

"...Gavin that's enough." I hear Connor say firmly. He takes a few steps closer to us.

Gavin turns around with a very surprised, sarcastic smile.

"Who? - who the fuck are you talking to?" Gavin says, pushing Connor forcefully.

"I don't think Detective L/N enjoys it with your hands on her like that. I suggest you-" Gavin punches Connor in the stomach before he can finish, making his eyebrows furrow as he puts his hand on the wall with a grunt.

"I suggest you stay the fuck out of it." Gavin says, before pushing him once more before leaving the room.

I quickly rush to Connors aid after Gavin leaves, putting my hand on his shoulder and leveling my head down with his as he looks down at the floor.

"Are you okay?" I ask quietly as Connor readjusts himself slowly.

"Yes, I'm fine." He says after a few seconds, straightening his jacket.

"Thank you for saying something.. he's such a fucking asshole.. god I hate Gavin.." I say, walking into the archive room.

Connor stays silent. As I put in my password, revealing the evidence, Connor finally speaks.

"What was Gavin talking about?" He asks.

"About..?" I ask, a bit distracted as I look through the journal.

"...Holding me in your arms before I died?" He asks innocently.

I close my eyes, feeling a lump in my throat while memories of that night come in flashes.

"Uh- it was just.. disturbing for me. And you were a good partner to have on my side... I just.. wanted to be there for you." I say, slowly turning around to face him.

I wish I could tell him how much I loved him.

Connors processer flickers yellow. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset." 

I shrug and sigh loudly through my nose. "So.. uh, think you can decode this? Our most advanced prototype?" I say, changing the subject as I hand him the diary that is turned to the page with numbers and lines.

A low computing-like sound emits from Connor as he scans. His face twitches as he stares at the page.

"It's coordinates to a stock market tower... floor 147.." He says, staying fixed on the page.

"What could possibly be in a stock market tower?" I ask.

Connor flips to another page, scanning it before reading aloud. "'For they are the revolution?" He reads.

"The revolution.. is Kamski talking about the deviants?" I ask.

The Human In Me: Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now