Chapter 2: Analyzing

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I stepped over the shattered glass of what seemed to be a broken bottle on the floor. My flashlight shined spontaneously in different directions as I looked around.

I wasn't looking at where I was walking, accidentally running into Connor.

His circular LED light on the side of his head began to blink red. He turned around.

"You messed up my analysis." He said with a straight face.

"Analysis? What are you analyzing?" I ask, looking into the room he was standing in front of. "There's nothing in here." I add.

"After getting enough clues I can accurately reconstruct the crime scene, knowing exactly what happened." Connor says, closing his eyes again. His LED blinks yellow.

"Why didn't you tell me and Hank you found stuff?" I asked, standing in front of him with my hand resting on my waist.

"I was going to inform you two after I had finished analyzing. This isn't my first case, Y/N." Connor says.

"No need to get sassy, just asking." I say, walking away to find Hank.


I peered my flashlight into the crack of the bedroom door, opening it slowly as I looked around.

Connor and Hank warned me the Android night still be here. I wanted in on this case so I was going to be the one to find it.

I walked around the room quietly, looking for anything.

I heard a faint thud behind me. I turned around quickly, grabbing the pistol in my back pocket, not pulling it out yet.

I looked around more, listening closer to the thuds. They seemed to be coming from the bed.

I carefully got down to my knees, flashing my light underneath the bed.


I got back up, adrenaline rushing through my system as I debated whether or not I should tell Connor and Hank what I've found.

I shook my head. I could take a petty little Android.

I picked up the back end of the bed, moving it carefully while looking over at the door, hoping no one will hear.

I set it down quietly, rushing back to the latch. I reached for it slowly.

The door flung up suddenly, hitting my face. I covered my forehead in pain, reaching with my free hand to grab my gun.

The deviant quickly climbed from her hideout, collapsing on top of me. Her hand pinned down mine that was struggling to reach my gun.

"It's here! Damnit Connor! Hank! It's here!" I yelled repeatedly.

The deviant quickly looked up at the door she had me pinned down in front of, looking up to the sound of foot steps approaching rapidly.

Connor grabbed his gun quickly, aiming it perfectly at the deviants head. 

"Is it armed?" Conner asked me firmly.

"I don't know! She was hiding underneath the bed!" I said back, continuing to struggle as my finger tips just barley brushed against my gun.

Connor lunged closer, shaking his gun at the deviant threateningly. "Get up!" He demanded as more officers came in, putting the deviant in cuffs.

I looked up at her, her eyes closing in defeat, not bothering to attempt to run away. I laid on the floor in shock, pulling my hand out from underneath me as I took deep breaths.

Connor walked in front of me, sticking out his arm for me to grab.

I stuck my arm out, grabbing his as he pulled me back to my feet. "Are you hurt?" Connor asked me. He didn't have a look of concern on his face.

Again, emotionless.

"No I'm fine." I say, fixing the gun in my pocket.

Connor stared at me without responding.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked, my eyes batting to my side and back at him as I watched him uncomfortably.

"You seem to have signs of a minor concussion. You've been hit in the head with an object about 45 seconds ago." Connor said.

"How do you know that? You weren't even here." I asked, confused.

"I analyzed your health status." Connor says.

"Just by staring at me like that?" I ask, moving behind him and getting to my knees as I peer down into the hole in the floor.

"Yes, well, that's what you saw at least." Connor says.

"Hm yeah nice- alright could you go and get Hank for me." I ask, motioning my flashlight at the door.

The Human In Me: Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now