Chapter 11: Im Sorry

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I pulled my gun out in anger, shooting the Android that killed Traci.

Conner grabs one of the Androids, pinning them down on the coffee table and executing them.

Hank hits the other on the head with his gun before shooting it.

I drop my gun, falling to the floor. I hugged Tracis lifeless body, crying hysterically.

Connor walks over slowly, looking down at me.

"Get the hell away from me!" I yell in anger.

I look back down, brushing Tracis hair away from her face. "Traci.. no no no no n- no.." I say sobbing, hardly able to see her through my eyes that are filled with tears.

I get up, angrily pushing Connor.

"Why didn't you shoot him? Why didn't you fucking shoot it Connor?" I yell, pushing him after every word.

Connor looked down at me with an expressionless face, letting me push him.

Hank puts his arm around me. "Y/N.. I'm- I'm so sorry we couldn't stop it.." Hank says, hugging me.

I sobbed into his chest.

Connor and Hank look at each other.


I didn't want to be home after what happened.

Hank and Connor took me back to the station. I sat back in the same spot I did last night, unable to stop thinking about Traci, quietly sobbing.

I looked at my phone.

2:00 AM

The door to the station opened.

I wiped away my tears quickly, looking up. Of course, it was Conner. I didn't say anything.

He sat down next to me, staring at me.

"I'm very sorry for your loss." Connor says.

I didn't say anything back. I sniffed, feeling a tear drip down onto my lip.

"Hank is taking care of the deviants right now. We are trying to figure out if there are more deviants, maybe a larger group-" Connor says.

I sigh loudly. "Shut the fuck up about Deviants and Androids for one second!" I say firmly, completely ignoring Connor words.

He doesn't respond.

The thoughts of Traci come back to me in waves.

I sob quietly, squinting my eyes while tears run down my cheeks. "I hate Androids. I fucking hate them." I say with a shake in my voice.

I feel Connor hand grab my face gently, making me look at him. I glance down at his hand in confusion.

"I didn't.. shoot.. because I feared the deviant would shoot you first. That's when it shot your friend." He explains.

I become less tense, looking away from him. I don't say anything.

I slowly stand up with a sigh, walking into the station and leaving him outside. 


"Y/N? Y\N?" I hear a voice say.

I wake up in the police station bunker.

"Hey.. uh, we've got information on the group of Deviants. If you still need time off I- I understand." Hank says as I sit up in bed.

"Uh... I Uh.. I want in." I say, pulling strands of hair out of my face.

"Are you sure?" Hank says, putting his hand on my knee.

"I want revenge. I'm sure." I say, standing up and leaving the bunker room.

Hank grabbed my arm turning me around.

"If you need to back out or- go see your family for a while I get it. It's okay." Hank says, shaking his head.

"It's okay. I need to get my mind off of.. things." I say, shrugging as I walk out to the station.

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