Chapter 7: Wake Up

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I wake up in someone's arms.

My limp arms move up, holding onto their neck. Conners scent suddenly rushed to my face. My lips part open slightly. "Connor..?" I say in a cracky, tired voice.

He sets me into my bed, covering me up.

I had a headache, a bad headache.

"Connor..?" I say again in a drunken slur.

"...Yes, Y/N?" He says quietly after a brief moment of silence.

I struggle to open my eyes. "Why- why are you carrying me?" I ask,
I opened my eyes, only being able to see the LED on Connors head that was blinking yellow. He moved, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"You and your friend had quite a few drinks, she's sleeping on your couch. I helped you back into your bed. You should sleep." He said quietly.

I reached up, touching his LED gently.

The bright light of the moon shined against his face as he moved his head down. His face was expressionless.

My hand slowly moved down his arm, resting back next to my face. His LED flickered blue.

"Your intoxicated." He finally says.

"What do your lights mean?" I ask in a slur, ignoring his words.

"....Blue means I'm in a stabilized state, yellow is increased strain or activity, and red means my system is in distress."

"It's pretty." I say, closing my eyes.

"That's one way to put it." Connor says, slowly getting up

"Goodnight Y/N." He says, leaving my room.

Silence quickly filled the air.


I wake up late the next morning.


Hank was not going to be happy when he saw me today, coming in this late.

I quickly rushed, getting dressed and going out to check on Traci, who had already made coffee.

"Let me see that." I say tiredly, taking sips out of her cup.

"Last night was.. crazy." She said with a sigh, rubbing her eyes.

"Like what kind of crazy?" I ask, looking for my keys.

"We were talking and drinking all night, then we all watched a movie and I'm pretty sure you fell asleep with your head on his lap." She said, laughing.

I looked at her. "Are you serious?" I said.

"I don't remember anything after that but I'm pretty sure you fell asleep on him." She said, grabbing her cup back."

"I woke up in the middle of the night to him carrying me back to my room." I said, putting on my coat.

"Oh.. did you guys...?" She asked, unable to hold back her grin.

"What? Traci no. He put me in my bed then left." I said shaking my head with a smile.

"You don't remember anything else? Something must of happened." She said, tilting her head in doubt.

"I don't know, I was so tired. That's all I can remember." I said, heading out the door.

"Have fun with robot guy!" I could hear her yell as I hurried to my car.


I rushed into work, heading to my desk while keeping and eye out for Hank or Connor.

"Y/N? Connor told me you were going to be late." I could hear Hank say behind me.

I turned around while situating my files.

"Uh yeah, not feeling the brightest today." I said with raised eyebrows.

"Y/N, how are you feeling?" I hear Connors voice say. I look up, seeing him with a coffee in his hand.

I smile for a brief moment before taking a sip out of my coffee. "Hungover that's how I feel." I say with a scoff.

I looked around me before looking down.

"I'm uh- sorry about last night. You should of just left me honestly.. w-wherever I was." I say laughing.

Connor looked at me, grinning for a second.

"No need to be sorry."

"You must be tired, I didn't mean to keep you up so late." I said shaking my head and closing my eyes, exhausted.

"I wasn't tired at all, Y/N. After I put you in bed I just headed back to the station." He said.

"What do you do here all night? By yourself." I ask.

"Fill out files, rest, not much really." He said, leaning on my desk.

"Aren't you bored here? All day and night?" I ask, grinning.

"I don't have feelings, Y/N. I don't know what boredom feels like." He says.

I stand up, pursing my lips as I look down at my files.

"Any cases today?" I ask.

"Not that I know of. Maybe you should go home for the day." Connor said, looking down at me.

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