Chapter 1: My Name Is Connor

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( all TW is in my description)

Me and Lieutenant Hank Anderson
pulled into the police station. I picked my sunglasses off by the brim, putting it into my pocket as we entered the building.

I glared over at the androids sitting at their station, waiting to be ordered around. I scoffed.

"Glad I don't have to worry about working with one of those things." I say, looking over at Hank as he sits at his desk, situating his papers.

He looked up at me. "See, Y/N that's the problem.. that's the reason I brought you in today." Hank says.

"What? For what?" I ask, putting down my bag with a concerned look in my eyes.

"Every Lieutenant is assigned an Android, and since you wanted to work with me, we don't really have a choice. His name is Connor-" Hanks words were cut off by someone standing behind me.

"Hello Lieutenant Anderson, I'm the Android sent by Cyberlife."

I turn around to see an Android, supposedly Connor.

He was very attractive for an Android. His face perfectly aligned, his hair pulled back with a few loose strands dangling above his eyebrow. He wore an open jacket with the letters and numbers RK800 with a blue triangle on the left side.

I looked back at Hank annoyed, trying not to have Connors looks get to me.

"Connor? You seriously named it Connor?" I say, refusing to look at it.

"Well what the hell do you want me to call it? Robot? Plus I'm not the one who names them. Cyberlife does." Hank says, motioning his hand at Connor.

A hand stuck out infront of my face, I look up to see Connor looking down at me with big eyes.

"It's very nice to meet you Y/N." He says with a smile.

I stand up, shaking his hand plainly with a forced smile.


"And one case in Alakany involving a murder of 31 year old Cassie O'Neil who was supposedly killed by her own Android."

Connor explains cases to us as we drive to our first shift of the night.

"Hank please tell this thing to stop talking." I say, glancing over at Connor who is sitting in the back seat.

"Like I haven't tried, all he does is talk." Hank says.

"But I have do what I must in order to complete my mission. It would be much more helpful is you two would cooperate." Connor says.

I let out a hard sigh as I burry my face in my hands, greatly annoyed by Conner.

"Yes- yes we get it everyone is just trying to complete the damn mission Connor." I say back as we pull up to the crime scene.

As we got out I noticed Connors height, towering over me. I furrowed my eyebrows, glancing up at him.

"Something wrong, Y/N?" He asked, noticing me as I looked at him.

"Since when did they make androids so damn tall? How tall are you?" I ask as we walk together.

"I am six feet tall." Connor replies, lifting the crime scene tape over my head.

I tilted my head, surprised.

"What do we got?" Hank asks, catching up to us.

"The case I was telling you guys about in the car." Connor says with no expression on his face.

My eyes wandered him in confusion. He has no emotion, does he?

"Well then explain it again." Hank demands.

"Maybe if you listened instead of telling me to stop talking you would remember." Connor said, handing Hank the clipboard.

Hank pushes Connor forcefully. "You don't talk to me like that you fucking piece of plastic!" Hank says firmly, raising a finger to his face.

I ran in between them, trying to intervene. "Hank stop we need him." I said, resting my hand on Connors chest while holding my other hand up to Hanks face.

"I thought you hated this piece of shit too!" Hank said, pointing at Connor.

I felt a hand on mine. I looked over to see Connor moving my hand off of him with a faint smirk.

"Sorry-" I say, suddenly backing away as I put my hands in my pocket.

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