Chapter 21: This Isnt Part Of My Program

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Hank rests his hands on top of the car as he levels his head down to me.

"If you need backup, let us know." He says as I start the car, pulling it out of park.

"I'll keep you on speed dial." I say jokingly with a smile. I knew me and Connor would be okay. Hank patted the car and moved out of the way as I pulled out of the parking lot.

Connor reach over to the GPS route on my screen, touching it with his finger that slowly turned white. The address popped up on the screen.

"Thanks." I say as I pull out into the road.

7 minuets away? How can I make small talk with Connor for 7 minuets?

I tap on my steering wheel as I glanced at the GPS that had gone one minute down.

Connor let out a sigh. "Can I talk to you about something Detective..?" He asked.

I knew conversations that started like these never ended well.

"Uh- yeah shoot." I say, keeping my eyes fixed on the road.

"Do you remember a few days ago when me and you went undercover as a couple? And.. I had to be intimate with you?" He said. I could see his hand motioning as he talked.

"...I- yes I do remember that." I nervously rub my hands in a twisting motion on my steering wheel. I wasn't exactly sure where this was going.

"Why did you kiss me again? Even after they left?" He asked.

"I.. just in case more guards came. You never know." I started laughing nervously.

"Oh.. well, ever since that night I've been having thoughts about you. Thoughts that...aren't part of my program." He said.

I glanced at the GPS duration time. One more minute.

"What do you mean 'not part of your program?' Isn't everything you say think or do programmed?" I ask.

"Yes, it is. But I can't explain the thoughts I've been having. I've never had them before."

"You've arrived at your destination."

"We can talk more when we get back." I say, un-clipping my seat belt and exiting the car.


"Floor 147? I'm sorry but that floor is off limits for reconstruction. May I ask why you two would like to visit the last floor?" An Android receptionist asks us.

"We think there may be an illegal gathering on that floor. Is there any way we could get to it?" I ask.

"I'm sorry, but you are not permitted to be on that floor." It says

Connor reaches over the desk, offering his forearm. The Android reaches up, grabbing it. Their artificial skin peels back as a low humming sound emits from them. "Oh, I see." It says.

"We are Detroit police investigators. All we want to do is take a look around, and then we will be on our way." Connor explains.

"The elevators are right over there." It says, pointing at a far-wall that is lined up with elevators.

It takes me a moment to realize that Connor has already started walking to the elevator. I caught up and pressed the elevator button in front of him. We both waited which felt like an eternity

I was hoping it would be crowded with people, but when the doors opened, an empty space revealed itself. My
stomach sunk, meanwhile, Connor quickly walked inside with no hesitation.

He stands with one hand behind his back as he leans forward, pressing the number 147 on the panel. The doors close, and we stand in silence.

The floor numbers tick away slowly.

I exhale while bouncing lightly on my toes, trying my best not to look at Connor.

My mind is wound up with thoughts, but they all stop when I feel Connors hand reach down and intertwine with mine slowly.

He squeezes gently.


Was he trying to interface with me?

"...Connor?" My eyes can't help but look up at him. He stays quiet, but his lips open partially as he stares into oblivious.

The artificial skin on his hand peels back.

He suddenly lets out a shaky sigh from his mouth, his eyes twitching in what looked like relief.

"I..I remember.."

His hand loosens from mine as he turns to face me.

I shake my head, still not understanding what is going on. "What? Wh- remember what?"


Connor puts his arms around me, locking me into a tight hug. My hands hover over his back before realizing what he meant.

They grab him once I do, making him hug me tighter as the warm sensation of tears fill my eyes. This was such a random time for him to remember me though, why in this elevator as we are about to enter a possible crime scene?

The Human In Me: Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now