Chapter 22: I Rememeber

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Connors grip on me becomes tighter, the side of his head pressing against mine as we hug.

The only noise filling the elevator was the tiny dings as we passed by each floor. I finally break the silence, slowly pulling away.

"I don't understand.. how?" I keep my hands on his shoulders, looking up at him.

The elevator dings loudly, time had flown by and soon enough we had reached the 147th floor. The doors open before me and Connor turn our heads.

Two maintenance workers stood, stopping what they were doing and looking at us in confusion. We quickly took our hands off of each other and walked off the elevator awkwardly with our hands behind our backs.

I cleared my throat. "Ah... we are Detroit Investigators. We think there may be an illegal gathering on this floor, is it okay if we take a look around?" I say, holding my badge in the air for them to see.

"An illegal gathering?" One of them said, looking at the other. They both seemed frightened.

"We are investigating deviants." Conner said. Something in his voice sounded off.

The tension was heavy as I looked over at him. It was hard to ignore the scene that had taken place in the elevator. I had so many questions.

"We... would definitely know if there were people up here, let alone Androids. We hate those things." The other says, grabbing his broom with one hand and glaring at Connor.

The place was a mess, shattered glass and planks of wood along with tools and other debris laid around. It was clearly under construction.

My eyes scanned the floor. "I understand, but we just want to make sure."

They both looked at each other before stepping out of the way. As we walked, one of them grabbed my arm lightly and whispered to me.

"Hey.. if that Android has his hands on you like that again just let us know." He says nodding his head secretively as he glances over at Connor who hasn't noticed I'm not by his side.

He was clearly talking about how we were positioned in the elevator when it opened.

I smirk a little and scoff. "Oh!- no no he hasn't done anything wrong, um-..."

I looked at Connor.

God I love him. I know he would never hurt me.

I couldn't help but smile a little was I watched him.

"Yeah. I'll let you know." I say after a few seconds, nodding back at him with a smirk in the same manner as I began walking away.

I caught up with Connor, reaching up and running my finger tips along his back before resting my hand back to my side.

He glanced down at me with a grin, but it was quick to go away. "I'm- sorry I couldn't go into detail about what happened... but when we get back I'll tell you, okay?" His eyes stayed glued to the floor as we walked.

"...It's been so weird.. not having the real you around lately. Y'know what I mean?" My eyes stay glued to the floor as well, glass crackling under our shoes as we walk.

"...Yes, I understand. I'm sorry. It was clicking on and off in my mind a lot, but it wasn't until a few minuets ago that I realized.." Connor says.

I turn my head to make sure the macitence workers aren't looking before reaching down and grabbing his hand.

"We can talk when we get back." I say reassuringly, stroking my thumb against his with a smile.


The Human In Me: Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now