Chapter 15: Smut Warning

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I sit up entirely, trying not to focus my attention on his bulge.

"I apologize if this makes you uncomfortable, I can leave if-" Connor says, refusing to look at me.

"Oh! No.. uh.." I shake my head a little, unsure of what to say or do.

"Do you want me to uh.. help you?"

What the fuck am I doing?

I wanted to crawl into a hole and die of embarrassment from my own words, but yet I was still so intrigued.

"Help me? I don't understand.. how?" He shifts a little more, eager to get rid of it.

I point my finger at his crotch from a distance, not wanting him to feel shy. "This happens when.. males get aroused."

"Oh.. I see. How do I get rid of it..?" He sits up higher.

Without thinking, I sit closer and let my hand reach down and rest on top of it, stroking my fingers against the outline. He lets out a shakey breath.

"You have to...pleasure yourself to get rid of it." I say with a shrug.

"I've- I've never felt pleasure before." Connor looks down at my hand.

"Of course you have. You feel pleasure when you kiss someone. You enjoy kissing, yeah?" I say with a slight smile, feeling more comfortable with my hand on him.

"Yes, I do very much." He opens his legs wider, inviting my hand to roam more.

"So what if I told you there are even more ways to feel pleasure than just kissing?" I hesitantly start to move so that I'm sitting in his lap.

"...Continue?" He says in interest, allowing me to sit on top of him and moving his hands onto my waist, his bulge pressing even harder against his pants.

I carefully pull his tie loose, beginning to unbutton his shirt all the way down and leaving it open for him. A smirk grows on his face for a second.

"I'll just...I'll just show you." I say, returning the same smirk. The metal clanging on his belt being the only sound filling the air as I take it off for him, sliding it from its loops.

Connor stays quiet, but heavy breaths escape his mouth as he watches.

I unzip his fly, loosing his pants enough for me to reach inside and slowly pull his member out.

Connor lets out a hard breath. "I.. A-ah..don't know what I'm doing.."

I shush him quietly, taking one of his hands and wrapping it around his member with one of my hands on top of his, guiding him. He lets out a relaxed sigh, watching our hands.

"And then you just.." I say as I start moving our hands in a stroking motion on his dick

"I- oh..-fuck.." His LED switches you yellow.

"Oh.. sorry I didn't mean to swear.. I'm just.."

I laugh a little, shaking my head assuringly. "It's..good to make sound. It makes your partner feel confident." I explain.

He lets out a sigh again under his breath while leaning his head back and gently thrusting into his own hand. I pick up the pace, moving our hands faster.

"I'm sorry this is just all very new and overwhelming.." He looks down at our hands.

"It- it just feels so- - good.." He adds, leaning his head back again and closing his eyes.

Something sparked inside of me as I watched him. I started feeling more turned on than I was before.
I force our hands to move faster while leaning in and kissing him out of pleasure.

He gives no hesitation kissing with me and not breaking it, grabbing firmly onto my waist with his free hand as he pleasures himself with the other.

I was only a few kisses in before I realized I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted him. I pull away from the kiss, reaching down and making enough room to take off my pants.

Connors LED flickers yellow as he watches me in confusion. "What are.. what are you doing?" He asks innocently as I sit down comfortably in his lap, grabbing his dick again.

"There are more ways to feel pleasure than-" Connor cuts me off.

"Of course I know what sexual intercourse is...I just don't know how to have it-" His face quickly grows into realization.

"Wait are you trying to have sex with me...?" He asks.

"Did you think I'd let you go so easily?" I say teasingly as I sit up a bit, lining his member up with me.

I wanted to seem calm but I was burning inside. I couldn't believe I was having sex with my own Android.

But I would be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying myself.

I stop. "Why? Are you not okay with this?" I say concerned.

"No, I'm okay with this. I'm... enjoying myself." He says, trying to put it in the right words, impatiently watching as I'm about to insert him inside of me.

"Okay well, just let me know if you want me to stop."

I slowly push him inside of me, inhaling sharply.

He pulls me closer to him on his lap, watching as I slowly start moving up and down on him and letting out a quiet sigh.

I give him a gentle kiss before burying my face in the crook of his neck, fighting the urge to moan as I pick up the speed.

My hands run up his bare chest, resting on his shoulders as I close my eyes and finally letting out a soft moan against his neck. Connor groans after me, his grip on me growing tighter and tighter with each thrust.

My face winces as I feel him going deeper inside of me, tingling sensations tickling up and down my back to the sounds of his moans that are slowly getting louder. I can tell he's close.

"You okay?" I ask with my eyes closed, kissing his neck.

"This feels so..good..." He says quietly next to my ear, moving his hands onto my rib cage as he picks up speed.

I let out a slightly louder moan next to his ear, trying to get him off. I smile proudly with my eyes closed as he moans seconds after me, leaning his head back and grabbing my waist again, ejaculating inside of me.

The Human In Me: Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now