Chapter 6: Fun Facts

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I opened my door, tiredly tossing my keys on my side table. I looked up at the couch.

"Traci? Why are you still here?" I say with a smile, throwing my coat over the dining room chair before coming out and sitting next to her.

"I had nothing else better to do all day. Hey how was your mission with hot stuff?" She said with a smirk.

It suddenly hit me again.

What happened on the rooftop.

I decided to not say.

"Just like any other mission. Oh, and he said he doesn't date." I say with a wink, starting to laugh.

She opened her mouth in disbelief. "He did not say that." She said sitting up.

"He did too." I said nodding, reaching my hands up and rubbing my face tiredly.

"Imagine thinking a robot is more attractive than a living being" I say laughing.

"Oh shut up! I bet you feel the same way, you just won't admit it!" She said pointing at me with a smile.


I come out of the bathroom to see Traci at the door, Connor standing in front of her.

"Uh- Y/N?" She says with a smile pointing at Connor.

Traci walks away with a smirk as I come up to Conner.

"You left this back at the station." Connor says, handing me my scarf.

Connor looks down at me with a straight face.

I smirk for a second. "Thanks."

He turns around and starts walking away.

I watch as he walks, shutting the door slowly.

"Hey? Where's he going?" Traci asks, looking out the window.

"Back to the station." I say, heading to the kitchen.

"Tell him to come in!" Traci says, motioning her hand at the door.

"What? No." I say, shaking my head with furrowed eyebrows.

Tracie walks over to the door, opening it.

"Connor!" She yells.

Connor turns around. "Yes?" I can hear him say.

"Come inside!" Traci says with a smile.

Connor adjusts his jacket, looking behind him before hesitantly making his way back to the house.

Traci shuts the door behind Connor, looking him up and down then back at me with a smirk.

"Thank you." Connor says, looking at Traci.

"Are you uh- hungry for anything? A drink or-" I say, clearing my throat as I awkwardly look at Connor.

"Androids don't have internal organs. I don't need to worry about eating or drinking." Connor says.

Traci looks up at Connor. "I have so many questions about Androids." Traci says, sitting on the arm of the couch.

"I wish I could say the same about humans." Connor says, sitting down at the kitchen island.

"Do you really know everything about humans?" I ask, sitting across from next to him with my eyebrow cocked.

"Ask me questions about Androids. Maybe I could help you understand us better."  Connor says, folding his hand in front of him.

"Okay.. hmm.. do Androids sleep?" I ask, looking at Traci with a smile who looks just as interested as I am.

"No. We go into a state, not exactly like sleep. We are able to reboot ourselves in a short amount of time." Conner says.

"Ooh I have a fun one." Traci says with a wide smile.

"Do androids...y'know.." Traci says laughing.

I laugh with her, looking at Connor.

"Do Androids what?" Connor asks in confusion, not understanding.

"She's asking if Androids are able to have sex." I say laughing.

Traci laughs harder.

"Oh. Well yes and no. Some are upgraded do have genitals and some don't." Connor says.

"The real question is, do you have genitals Connor?" I ask, unable to hold back my laugh.

"That is for me to know and for you to find out." Connor says, winking.

Traci opens her mouth, laughing more.

"Connor are you flirting with me?" I ask jokingly, tilting my head.

"Am I? I don't know how to flirt." Connor asks, looking at me confused.

"For someone who doesn't know how your pretty good at it." Traci says, laying back on the couch.

The Human In Me: Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now