Chapter 4: I Dont Date

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"You seemed very sympathetic towards her." Hank said, handing me a coffee.

"I know, I was only doing that to get a word out of her. They are probably going to deactivate it anyway. It's not up to us." I say shrugging, cupping my hands around my coffee.

"Doesn't it just make them forget everything though? They don't really... die." Hank asks.

"They will forget who they are, everything they've seen or saw or said or heard. They will be the same Android they were before they were bought." Connor says robotically and seriously.

"I guess it feels like they are going to die." Connor adds.

"Are you afraid to have your memory probed?" I jokingly with a smile.

Hank looked at Connor, as if he wanted to ask the same question.

Connor looked at both of us. "Well I don't know. I'm not human, I don't have human emotions. So I can't say I would be."

"What if you were killed? Like literally killed? Are you more afraid of that?" I ask, glancing at Hank.

"I don't know." Connor says looking down at his hands that are folded in front of him.

"What happens if you die? Will you be replaced?" I ask.

"If I'm destroyed I will be replaced with a copy of me, but I will not remember any personal information. Just the mission and the cases I need to complete." Connor says.

"Androids are a joke." Hank says under his breath, picking up his things and walking away.


"You get to work with Androids? How's that going for you?" My friend Traci asks.

I laid on my floor, looking up at my ceiling.

"Yep. Not as fun as it sounds." I say.

"Is he cute?" Traci asked jokingly, turning over on the couch to look down at me.

I laughed. "Like I would ever fall in love with a robot." I say looking back at her with a smile.

A knock was heard at my front door. Traci looked back at me.

"Who the hell is here on a Saturday? Im not working today." I say looking at her as I walk to the door.

I open the door to see Connor.

"Connor? Uh-" I turn around and look at Traci who has already gotten up. She leaned against the door frame.

"Y/N. There is a serious case you need to attend to with me and Hank." Connor says, glancing at Traci as he speaks.

"Best thing about working in the police force, huh? Working on my one day off." I say, uncrossing my arms and looking at my friend.

"So I was right." She says with a smirk, looking up at Connor.

"About..?" I ask with a smirk, glancing back and fourth at her.

"Your robot friend is cute." She says with a smile, walking back inside the house.

I close my eyes with a smirk and shake my head, too embarrassed to look at Connor.

"I'll be waiting outside Y/N." He says with a smile, shutting the door.

I turn around. Traci muffles her laughs with her hand.

"Traci I'm going to KILL you!" I say, laughing with her.

"Was I wrong though?!" She says shrugging.


I tuck my hair behind my ears before grabbing it and putting it in low ponytail. I put the car and begin to pull out of my driveway.

"So what's up? What's the case?" I ask along with a yawn.

"Possible hostage situation. Sorry to come by and take you from your day off, Detective." Connor says.

"It's alright, I needed to get up today anyway." I say shrugging.

"To get away from Traci?" Connor asks with a smirk.

I try to hide my smile. "Yeah.. she thinks your cute." I say, looking both ways before crossing the street.

"Cute?" He asks.

"Oh shes only joking. Or at least I think so." I say glancing at him, laughing a little.

"I'm an Android, I don't date. Sorry to your friend." He says, looking at me.

"Ah. Guess I'll have to let her know the sad news." I say sarcastically.


"God what the hell took you guys so long?" Hank asks, seeming to be distressed.

"My friend was hitting on Connor." I say jokingly.

"What?" Hank asks.

"Nothing. So what's the case? Where do you want me." I say with a sigh.

"We need you and Connor as backup, I've already tried. I- Jesus. It shoots at everything that moves." Hank says, looking up at the building.

"It? Deviant?" Connor asks.

"Yeah. Come with me." Hank says.

We follow him into the building of what seemed  to be an apartment complex. Gunshots echoed through the stairwell.

"Be prepared." Connor said, taking out his gun. I take out mine with him.

"We will be right back Hank just- just stay down here." I say as we make our way up the stairs.

The Human In Me: Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now