Chapter 23: Smut Warning

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He doesn't seem to notice us at first, but eventually he turns his head as he walks. His face lights up in excitement.

Laughs can be heard from him as he jogs over to us. "Y/N, Connor." He says, greeting us.

"Gavin..." I say in an annoyed voice.

I notice Connor glancing up and down at Gavin, his LED flickers yellow. Gavin squats down in front of Connor, making their eyes meet. "Not gonna say 'hi' to your old friend?" He says sarcastically with a laugh.

We stay silent, avoiding eye contact with him.

"Oh is he still pissed off about earlier? When I was touching you?" He says, placing a hand on my knee.

I lean away from him and stand up. "Goodnight Gavin." I say, picking up my bag and walking past him.

He grabs my arm, pulling me back in front of him. "Not a very polite way to end a conversation, is it?" He says.

I notice Connor staring uncomfortably, his hands on the curb as if he were ready to stand up.

Gavin quickly catches on. "Oh? Don't like it when I do this, Connor?" He says, reaching down and placing a hand on my ass. I jump, moving away uncomfortably.

Connor stands up. "Gavin." He says firmly, looking down at him.

Gavin lunges at Connor. "What are you gonna do? Hit me?" He says with a scoff before pushing Connor

"You are being very inappropriate." Connor says, stumbling back as Gavin pushed him.

I get in between them. "Okay, okay stop." I say, pushing Gavin away from Conner.

His LED flickers red.

"Is it pissed off or something?" Gavin says, raising a finger and pressing it against his processer. I push his arm away.

Now that I thought of it, it was sort of a downside to having an external LED on the side of your head. Everyone could see your emotions and how you were feeling.

"This is so unnecessary! Go home!" I practically yell.

Gavin raises a hand as if he were going to hit me. Connor reaches up to stop Gavin, but he never touches me. He laughs. "What are you? Her little protecter?" He says.

Connor lowers his hand with hesitation and lets out a frustrated sigh from his nose.

Gavin laughs a little before putting his hands in his pockets. "Night, assholes!" He yells as he walks away, continuing to laugh.

I become less tense, relaxing a little as I look up at Connor who is staring Gavin down as he walks. His LED switches to yellow. I look down to see his tightly clenched fists open back up slowly. He lets out a quiet sigh.

My eyes drift away from his hands. "I'm sorry.." I finally say.

"I'm...not very fond of Gavin." He says. I scoff.

"I don't think anybody is.." I say.

We stand in silence next to each other as we watch Gavin walk further and further away.

The Human In Me: Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now