Chapter 5: He Saved Me

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"What's the best approach?" I ask Connor.

"Apparently it was here with another group of deviants. It was holding off the first wave of officers while the rest fled. Now it's here by itself." Connor says.

"Shouldn't we spare it? Ask it questions?" I ask.

"We've been ordered to execute it." Connor says.

"This is ridiculous.." I say, checking the rounds in my pistol.

Another burst of gunshots are heard from higher in the stairwell.

Connor holds on to the railing, looking up.

"It's here!" Connor says, quickly running up the flight of stairs.

I try my best to keep up with him.

We make it up to the top, the door to the top of the building quickly shuts.

Connor motions his hand for me to step back.

I listen, holding my gun up to the door as he rams into it, both Connor and the deviant fall.

"Don't move!" I yell, running in front of Connor as he gets up.

The deviant points his gun at me.

Everything suddenly went into slow motion, yet it was all happening so fast at the same time.

Connor grabbed my arm, pulling me aside as he aimed at the deviant. A gunshot went off. I quickly tried to get up, turning around to see Connor collapsing.

I pointed my gun to the suspect, quickly pulling the trigger.

It fell to the ground.

I dropped my gun, rushing over to Connor. My hands wrapped around his face.

"Connor? Connor??" I asked quietly.

I looked down to see his hand covering his chest. I moved it, blue blood quickly rushed out from his wound.

"Fuck." I say, leaning off of Connor, resting my hands on my knees.

Hank rushed up the stairs out of breath. "What's going on?-" he looked at the dead suspect, then down at me.

"Jesus fuck." He says, crossing his arms.

"Is he gonna make it?" I ask, getting up and looking down at Connor.

"The bullet hit a main biocomponet Y/N. I've seen it happen many times. He won't make it." Hank says with a slow shrug.

"He saved me." I say quietly, reaching down moving his hands back over his wound.

Hank put his arm around me, as I stood up.

"Let's go, the officers will take care of him later." He said.


I arrived to work later that day, hoping to get paper work done before the day started.

I couldn't stop thinking about earlier. I was distracted.

I took a deep breath, setting down my pen and covering my face.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turn my head and look up.

"Connor..?" I say, turning around in my chair.

"Hello Y/N."

"But I th- you died.." I say standing up slowly.

"Yes, I failed my mission yesterday but I've been told it was taken care of by you." Connor says, looking down at me.

"You've been replaced?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Yes." Connor says, nodding.

I slowly put my arms around Connor, hugging him.

"I don't know if you remember, but you saved my life." I say quietly.

I could feel his hands hesitantly move to my back in return.

"That's what I was designed to do." Connor says in the same tone as me.

The Human In Me: Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now