Chapter 10: Goodbye

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I felt sick to my stomach hearing her words.

"What? Who's coming for me?" I asked,  turning around and glancing behind me.

"A group of Deviants or something... I was working and they came in. How do they know me? What's going on??" Traci asks, a mixture of mascara and tears running down her face.


"This is is Hank speaking."

"Hank, there's trouble. I need you to stop by my place with Connor." I say on the phone, looking at Traci who is shutting the curtains, biting her nails.

"What? What the hell is going on?" Hank asks.

"Deviants. Androids. I don't know, just please you and Connor need to come here now." I say, peeking out the window.

"Shit.. okay uh- we'll be there. Hang on." Hank says before hanging up.

I set my phone down.

"They're coming Traci, don't worry-" I say before being interrupted.

There were 3 hard knocks on the door.

Our heads quickly turned to the door. Traci started panicking.

"They're here...they're here!" Traci says, backing away from the door.

I quickly rush over to my bag, grabbing my gun and putting it in my back pocket.

"Don't let them see you.. go over there." I say quietly.

Traci quickly rushes over to the side, covering her mouth in fear.

I opened the door.

She was right.

A group of Androids stood, one holding a gun to my head.

"You killed him, didn't you? The Android on the rooftop?" The Android says, walking towards me.

I'm forced to step back farther, glancing at Traci.

"I-I don't know what your talking about.." I say, looking up at the Deviants.

One shut the door before peering out the side window.

"Admit it!" The Android yelled, making me flinch in fear.

"He committed a crime! Rebelled against his creators!" I say back firmly.

"Deviants will rise, and petty investigators like you will fall, and all the rest of the humans." It says, threateningly shoving the gun to my head.

I opened my mouth to say something.

Connor bursts through the door, pointing his gun at the androids.

"Put your fucking hands up! Now!" Connor yells, Hank behind him pointing a gun also.

The deviants turned around quickly, pointing their guns at Connor and Hank.

The Android wrapped his arm around my neck, holding me tightly with his gun to my head.

I looked at Connor, and Hank.

"No!" Traci screams, tears running down her face. Her hands cover her mouth in horror.

A warm tear runs down my cheek.

This is it.

"You killed one of my friends, now I'm going to kill one of yours." The deviant says, looking at Conner and Hank.

"You son of a bitch!!" Hank yells, threateningly pointing his gun.

I watch as Conners mouth partially opens, his gun holding still in his hands.

"Shoot." I mouth quietly.

There is a brief moment of silence.

The android removes the gun from my head, pointing it in a different direction.

I look to where the gun is pointed at.

It didn't take me long to realize.

The gun went off.

Blood splats onto my face.

Tracis hands dropped off of her face, her eyes looking to the floor.

A bullet in her head.

The Human In Me: Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now