Chapter 18: You Cannot Be Replaced

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"Connor.." I say quietly, feeling warm tears form in my eyes.

The machine Connor keeps his gun to my head, holding still as he looks at Connor.

The real Connor slowly approaches us.

"Please. Don't do anything. You win.." He says, glancing at me.

"The deviant itself." The machine Connor says, grabbing my arm securely while aiming his gun at the real Connor.

"I've been ordered to execute you. Your unstable, and need to be replaced-" He says, moving his pointer finger on the trigger.

"No!" I yell, breaking free from the machines grip and pushing him. We both fall to the ground.

The gun remains tightly held in his hand. He re- focuses his aim to the real Connor. I desperately reach up, pushing his hand down.

The gun goes off and a bullet skips across the concrete.

The machines hand moves back up, whacking me across the face with his gun.

I fall off of him, covering my nose in pain.

Two gun shots go off.

I flip myself around, quickly getting up while tripping on my own feet.

Both Connors collapse to the ground.

My eyes widen in fear to the sight of my Connor who is still slightly moving.

I rush over to him, falling on my knees next to him. My hands hover over him, not knowing what to do.

He covers his chest with one hand, a gun in the other.

He begins grunting with a look of distress on his face, blue blood dripping between his fingers.

I reach down, picking up the back of his head while my other hands intertwines with his that his holding his wound.

"Connor no.." I say with a trembling voice as tears run down my cheek.

His LED stays on red.

His eyes struggle to stay open as he looks up at me, letting go of his gun and reaching up to hold the side of my face.

"I'm sorry Connor I'm- I'm so sorry I can help you.." I say with a shake in my voice, caressing the back of his head gently.

"Y/N I'm...scared." He says, furrowing his eyebrows in pain, and in disbelief to his own words.

I burry my head into his chest sobbing, not knowing what to do.

"I don't know what to do Connor I- I want to save you.." I say, picking my head back up.

"You can't save me." He says with a broken, glitchy voice as he shakes his head slowly.

"Don't forget about me please Connor don't forget-..." I say, my voice shaking uncontrollably.

"I can be replaced Y/N... you cannot."

His body goes limp, and his hand slowly falls off of me.

"Connor? Connor?" I whisper, shaking him lightly.

His eyes close and his red LED slowly disappears, showing no color.

The Human In Me: Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now