Chapter 19: Undercover

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Nearly an hour had passed, but I stay on my knees in front of conner, still holding his lifeless body in disbelief as police officers and workers of Cyberlife retrieved the machine Connors body. I feel a hand on my shoulder. I don't turn my head, but I hear Hanks voice behind me.

"Cyberlife has to take care of him now." He says quietly, crouching down next to me.

There was a long pause. I don't respond, I didn't want him to go.

"...You really love him, don't you?" Hank finally says.

I take a few seconds before nodding my head admittingly and closing my eyes.

"He was... a deviant. And the other Connor was here to stop him. He went deviant because of me.." I say.

"What? What do you mean because of you? This isn't your fault, don't guilt yourself bec-"

"I kissed him.. a few weeks ago.. and admitted that I liked him. And.. I don't know things took off after that. Out of my control. It just happened." I say, cutting him off as I look over my shoulder.

"He dosent have feelings Y/N... Androids d-" He trues saying.

"Well maybe deviants have feelings. And Connor was...deviant." I say, turning my head back to Connor, reaching up and holding the side of his face.

"You can't see him forever, you know that. Once the case is over he has to return to Cyberlife." He says.

I stay quiet. Hank was right, I couldn't see him forever.

He was going to forget about me anyway, so what was I waiting for? I slide my hands away from Connor in acceptance, letting Hank take care of him.

Hank walks over, reaching down and picking up Connors body as he walks over to the Cyberlife vans.

Everything felt like it was in slow motion.

I sit there helplessly with blue blood covering my clothes and hands, watching as the only person I cared about was being taken away from me.


"I'm the Android sent by Cyberlife." Connor says, re-introducing himself to me.

I tried to be nice, still shaken up about last night. "It's nice to meet you..again." I try to say more enthusiastically than the first time I met him.

"I know our last encounter yesterday was disturbing for you, and it was an unpleasant scene. I can assure you that I'm not a deviant and that you have nothing to worry about." Connor says robotically.

"It's uh.." I stutter, the memories of me holding him in my arms came back in flashes.

"I'm sorry if my presence makes you uncomfortable in any way. I'll do my best to help you." Connor says normally.

I wished he were using his soft voice with me. I shake the emotion off, trying to focus on my job.

"It's okay, no worries." I shake my head and smile. Maybe this could be a new beginning. Maybe I could learn to focus on my job instead.

The Human In Me: Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now