Chapter 13: Andriods Cant Fall In Love

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"Its not possible for an Android to fall in it?" Connor asks.

"Wh- why is that..?" I asked, completely thrown off by his words.

"You make me feel things sometimes." Connor says.

"Is that... deviant behavior..?" He adds, looking at me with concerned eyes.

I looked at him, surprised to hear his words.

"Connor.. I know I kissed you but I don't know if I really meant it." I say, moving my hand to my forehead.

"You told me you liked me-" He tries saying before I cut him off.

"And you told me it was inappropriate and- and that we shouldn't be together." I say in an upset tone.

"You hate Androids so much yet at the same time you want to kiss one?" Connor asks, taking his hand off of mine, squinting his eyes in confusion.

"I have a lot of good fucking reasons to hate Androids, Connor." I say angrily, sitting up in bed.

"The only one being the death of your friend. The rest is bullshit, you just hate Deviants. You have no reason to hate Androids Y/N! No reason!" He yells pointing his finger at me, making me flinch.

His face holds no regret. His eyes stay fixed on me in anger as he slowly moves his hand back down.

I stare at him, shaking my head bewildered by his words.

"Still feelin' deviant Connor? Because I hate you. I fucking hate you!" I say, getting out of the hospital bed, attempting to get to the door.

Connor gets in front of me, grabbing my shoulders.

"Get off of me- just get off of me-" I say as I push him, tears beginning to form in my eyes.

"Just listen to me, please!" He says, holding me back from the door.

"No! I don't wanna fucking listen to you! You're just a machine! You're programmed to say things! You don't mean any of it!" I say, struggling to break free from his grip.

I look up at him.

His face remains expressionless.

"See? You don't show any emotion." I say, hoping to make a point.

"What do you want me to do in situations like these Detective? Smile?" He asks, holding the same expression.

I had nothing left to say.

I struggle less, holding still in front of him as I exhale lightly, my breath shaking slightly from crying.

His hands move off of my arms and up to the side of my face. He hesitantly leans in, kissing my upper lip.

My hands jolt up in front of me.

But I let him.

My hands slowly move to the back of his head as we kiss.

He pulls away, as his LED switches to yellow.

"Do you think that was programmed?" He says quietly, opening the door and leaving my room.

The Human In Me: Connor X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now