The Box

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Loud, high-pitched creaking woke me from my reverie. My eyes snapped open and I was on guard immediately. I could see that I was in a cage; that there was a red light flashing every so often; that beyond the cage was a scratched wall with trails of grotesque-looking slime. I recoiled, and my back hit a wooden crate. I hissed with the pain and turned to look behind me, sniffing at the object: Food. I was hungry, but I was sure that wherever I was going, I would need this food; I made the decision to save it for later.

'Later' arrived more slowly than I had anticipated. It felt as though I'd been in this cage for half an hour. I was about to settle down for a nap until the cage came to a creaking halt, jolting me as an elevator would. It was strange... I had no recollection of ever being in an elevator. All I could directly recall was my name. Did I have amnesia, or something?

Two large doors opened above me to reveal sunlight that I had to shield my eyes from after being in the dark for so long.

"A girl?" Some voices murmured from above me.

"We're getting girls now?" Added another. As far as I could hear, all of the boys' accents were American.

"Someone help her out," an English accent declared, a lot louder and a lot more strongly than the others. Spoken like a true Alpha, I thought, before becoming incredibly confused. Why had I thought that?

A large boy with very short hair jumped down into the cage beside me. I scrambled backwards. He didn't look very nice. "It's okay, Greenie," he began softly. "My name's Gally. Who are you?"

I told him my name and he shrugged. "Okay, let's get you out of here, ___." He neared me, as if to pick me up. I didn't like that so I ran past him and leapt out of the cage, onto the grassy ground and in front of the British accented-boy, who was staring at me in awe with widened brown eyes. There were murmurs of surprise from the other boys, but I wasn't focused on that. All I cared about was looking into this boy's brown eyes. It felt like I was stuck and couldn't look away.
"Newt," Gally began from inside the cage, "is she good?" So that was his name... Newt.

"Uh... yeah," he replied, managing to pull his gaze away from my own. I blinked.

"Her name's ___." Gally stated. I saw that he was helping to lift crates out of the cage.

"Come on, ___," Newt began, looking back at me again. "I'll give you the tour." He extended his hand to help me up and when I took it, I felt tingles rush through me like sparks of electricity. I tried to hide that anything had happened and averted his gaze as I stood. He walked me away and I looked over my shoulder to see some boys looking back at me; others helping Gally with the crates, and others walking back to where - I assumed - they had been before I arrived.

"How was the Box for you?" Newt asked, as though he wasn't sure what else to say.

"Box?" The cage. "Oh. It was awful; all I could see outside it was a scratched wall with slime on it," I recoiled at my own words.

"You could see what was outside it?" Newt asked. I remained silent, had I not been supposed to? He asked if there were lights in there now and I shook my head. He dismissed it. "You're the first girl who's arrived."

"Is this some kind of a sanctuary?"

Newt scoffed, "far from it." I looked around; we were in a massive, square field outlined by the tallest walls I could remember seeing since... I couldn't remember.

"Newt, why are we here?"

GladerWolf (Newt X Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now