The Terrible Dream

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When the sun rises, it always sets. Newt and I made our way over to the camp to celebrate Chuck's arrival. Gally was holding two jars of his famous Moonshine and looked as though he was about to approach, before he remembered what he'd done earlier, and walked away again. I sat with Chuck as Newt went to get some food. "How was your first day, Chuckie, d'you have a job yet?"

"Yeah... I'm a Slopper. I'm gonna be doin' all the stuff nobody else wants to do." He looked down at his feet, disappointment the very essence of his being.

"Hey," I began, "every job here is important. The reason no-one else wants to be a Slopper because they're all too full of pride. And what for? We're all in the same boat here." Chuck smiled gratefully.

"Thanks, __."


*Sexual Assault Warning (mild)*

Later that evening, when I had settled into my bed, I was tossing and turning. And when I finally fell into sleep, I had a horrible dream.
I was sat in a field full of snow, many specks of it still falling from the sky. Wolves surrounded me, their tails wagging cheerfully. I couldn't feel any temperature at first, until all of a sudden, it began to get exceptionally cold. A group of polar bears appeared in the distance, and the wolves who seemed so willing to stay by my side whined and fled. Among the white bears was Gally, with two jars of moonshine in his strong hands. "You should have taken it," he said to me. He offered me a jar; I reached out to take it... and Gally dropped it to the snow. When I looked down to see it, I saw a bloodstained polar bear skull in its place. I stepped back, opening my mouth to speak but with no sound emerging, as if someone had turned off my voice. Gally downed his jar of moonshine, the bears roaring behind him. The bears circled me and Gally walked closer to me. I stepped backwards, but a bear pushed me forward. Gally forcefully pressed his lips against mine.

"WHAT THE SHUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE, SLINTHEAD?" Someone shouted. My eyes snapped open to see a Glader sitting on my bed. Newt was stood behind him, fuming with anger and his eyes gleaming. I thought that if he got any more angry, he would transform. I looked at the Glader sitting on my bed and figured out what had happened. Disgusted, I wiped my mouth with my sleeve.

"He kissed me," I whispered, unsure of whether I wanted to be sick or be angry. Newt looked as though he was about to explode, before a few Keepers rushed into the room.

"What the shuck is going on, I have to run a full day tomorrow!?" Minho snapped. Newt told him what had happened and Alby demanded the Glader be dragged out of my room and put into the Slammer, and that a lock be fitted to my door as soon as possible.

"We'll decide what we do with him tomorrow. Right now, everyone go back to sleep," he instructed, rubbing his eyes.

"Can I stay with her?" Newt asked. Alby could probably tell he wanted to comfort me. He nodded dismissively.


"I had a nightmare-..." I began. Newt climbed into bed with me and switched off the light. A moment later, the hallway light went off with it.

"You're okay now, you're safe now. I'm here with you."

"It was Gally."

"That wasn't Gally."

"My dream."

"Oh." He kissed me softly on the cheek, "do you wanna talk about it?"

"He assaulted me, then I woke up." The dream had been too random for me to explain in detail.

"I knew someone broke in here. That shuckface has been staring at you for days." That made me feel even more disgusted and uncomfortable. I shuffled away from Newt, not wanting to feel another person's body against my own. "I'm sorry." He whispered, not trying to move close to me again - waiting until I felt safe enough to do so.

"It's not your fault"

"I could have done something about it before-..."

"It's not your fault."
He sighed. Eventually, I calmed down, moving closer to him. He rubbed gentle circles on my back with one hand and held one of mine with the other. "Thank you, Newt." I whispered. He placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"I'm always here for you, ___."

GladerWolf (Newt X Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now