The Night of the Grievers

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When Newt came to let me out, I was asleep again. I half-heard him open the bars of the cage and jump in. I opened my eyes when he started picking up my things, but quickly closed them again when he turned to me: I wanted to see what he'd do if he thought I was still asleep. "Here," he said. I didn't think he was talking to me. I could smell Gally, so he must have been handing him my things. I felt Newt's muscular arms wrap around my body and pick me up, before I was moved into a bulkier pair of arms. I heard Newt jump out and the Pit's gate close as I was lifted higher and adjusted carefully. "Okay, let's take her back to the Homestead before another buggin' thing happens." What does that mean? I didn't think he'd say, so I kept up my pretense.

"What was the note that came up with Teresa?" Gally asked. "What did it say?"

"'She's the last one ever'," Newt recited. "You don't think..."

"No more supplies... Shuck." My eyes snapped open: panic flowing through me. Gally noticed that I'd flinched and stopped walking.

Newt walked around to me. "You just heard all that, didn't you?" He asked. I nodded, a tear pricking my eye. He huffed angrily. "You couldn't have just buggin' told us you were awake?"

"No," I replied, "you have a habit of hiding things from me and I don't like it."

"I didn't wanna worry you."

"I deserve to know as much as everyone else does. Haven't you noticed that people rebel more when you don't answer their questions?" I was referring to Thomas and he knew it. I felt Gally shift his weight. Newt began walking and he followed.

Back in the homestead, Gally laid me down on the medical bed and Jeff approached to check my bandage, tutting as he tried to brush away the mud that I'd slept in. Newt left and returned after a few minutes with a paper plate of breakfast. "I'm not hungry," I said. He dropped his shoulders. "If there are no more supplies coming up, shouldn't we be rationing?"


"What?" I snarled, fangs bared as my eyes glowed for a moment.

He set the plate down on my lap as Gally sat on the foot of the bed, watching us - probably ready to jump in in case one of us pounced. "Minho and Thomas have a Griever leg with a code in - the one that stabbed you. They're currently in the Maze trying to find a way out with it. We don't know what to do about the Box but you need food because of your injury and because you're part wolf, so you have priority. Alby has been given the Serum, he should be up and all right in a couple of hours." Newt explained. "But I'm buggin' scared of what the Creators have got planned for us next."

I smiled, taking a deep breath. "Thank you, Newt." He knelt in front of the bed and I leaned over the side to embrace him: a warm, comfortable hug.


Later that day, the next problem arose.

It was sunset and I had not yet fully recovered from my injury. Jeff did not allow me to leave, but he was aware that it was Full Moon and I'd transform as soon as darkness filled the sky. I didn't know when someone would come to supervise me to the Pit for the night.

I wasn't alone for a lot of the day, given company when I was visited by some of the other Gladers. At this particular point, Chuck was in the room with me: "Newt told me to tell you some things," he said, a wide grin on his chubby face. "Alby's a bit better and Thomas has found a way out the Maze!" Then his face dropped, "but the doors aren't closing." That explained why I hadn't been taken to the Pit yet.

"Well, maybe it's time we got out of here-" I was stopped short when I heard a noise coming from outside. "What's that?"

"Someone must've fixed the radio." I threw the duvet off me and scrambled out of bed, much to Chuck's fright. "Where are you going? Y-you're not fully recovered."

"I've been fine before," I said to him as I opened the door. Discarded on a lain trunk of wood was, in fact, the radio. It was making noises that didn't make sense. Teresa was looking at it, baffled. I walked over to it and started pressing buttons, giving a sigh of relief when the words started making sense... to me.

"What is that?" Teresa asked.

"It's wolf-speak," I said to her, before pausing. Had she been told that I'm part wolf? She was probably unfazed, seeing it as normal with everything else going on.
The radio was repeating a singular message, over and over, "the final song will start soon, be ready."


Newt must have heard the language because before I could call his name, he was hurrying toward me. "What the bloody hell is this all about?"

"If I knew, I wouldn't be standing here like a dumb shank." We translated it for Teresa and Chuck as the sky gradually darkened - the doors still ceasing to close.

"Gally and the others are buildin' walls of security. Once those Grievers get in, we're in trouble." My heart dropped: I'd forgotten about that. "All the doors inside the Maze have also opened, so all the Grievers can get out."

"How many are there in total?" Chuck asked, fear in his voice.

"I guess we're about to find out..." Teresa said.

The radio clicked.

One by one, Grievers started charging down the corridors of the Maze, storming us through all four doors of the Maze. "Everybody hide!" I heard Thomas shout from another part of the Glade. Some of them were holding flaming torches to light their way as best as possible. Newt handed Chuck the electric one from his pocket.

I saw Gally and a small group jump into the Box, just as a boy who couldn't reach them in time was stabbed by the scorpion-like tail of a Griever. Thomas and another group were hiding in the cornfields. We made to run as one of the monstrous beasts approached us. Teresa threw a candle jar at it and it screeched, thrashing its tail about in an attempt to stop the fiery... pain? Could it feel pain? I looked at Newt, and up at the moon as we ran through the Glade. He took my hand in his, "together," he said in wolf-speak. We transformed and continued running. I was in immense pain, but there was nothing I could do.

Those of us who were still fortunately alive rushed to the meeting room, inside which I'd never been, as the monsters stabbed and struck several Gladers around us. The Slicers and Frypan had helped, with their spears and torches.
A couple of Grievers purred from outside the wooden structure, before thumping it in an attempt to break it apart. We all moved around in the wooden dome, as far away from the Grievers as possible, like rats in a cage that predators were single-mindedly trying to open. An appendage stabbed its way through the wood and grabbed a beam supporting the dome, yanking it so the wood fell. Newt and I tried to push the falling wood, shielding the Gladers from it. "Chuck!" Thomas shouted as a tail grabbed the boy by the leg. He rushed to take his arms. "Chuck, don't let go!"

"No shuck," the boy replied. In better circumstances, I would have laughed - Chuck's sarcasm never faltered. More of the Gladers moved forward to help save Chuck and Alby bashed the tail with a machete, using every bit of strength he had. For a moment, we were all safe. "Thanks, Alby." Chuck said to the leader after he screamed out the opening the Griever had made in the wall. He smiled back at the boy, before another appendage came in through the gap and pulled him from us, breaking another large chunk from the dome. I hurried toward him, grabbing his shirt with my teeth as Thomas took his arms.

"Get them out," he said to us, before being pulled out of our grip.

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