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"She's a shucking wolf!" Minho shouted. I heard the Maze doors begin to close. For a reason that I was still unaware of, I needed to get inside. I shuffled hesitantly on my paws, whining as I looked back and forth between the Gladers and the loud, shifting doors.

"Thanks for stating the obvious, slinthead," Gally replied. "What the shuck are we gonna do?" The doors continued to creak as they closed, and I met Newt's gaze from across the Glade as Gally, Alby and Minho continued to argue with one another. Newt stepped forward, but the urge to go into the Maze took over again: I turned and bounded into it, right before the doors slammed closed behind me.

Newt's POV

Gally ran over to us while we were snacking. What does he want now? I thought. He looked as though he'd seen a ghost. "Something's happening with ___. She's been acting weirdly all day and her eyes just glowed and she was strong enough to push me to the ground and-"

Alby stepped forward, "all right, shank, let's just go over there and see what-"
Suddenly, we heard a cry of pain from the other side of the Glade. I stood up; if anything happened to ___, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Alby, Minho and Gally hurried over to her to help. I didn't move. I couldn't face her - not after how I'd treated her.

I looked up at the moon, having to shield my eyes from it. It was so unusually bright, as if the sun had come out at night. I heard a cry from ___, which turned into a growl. When I looked over, I saw a wolf standing in her place, staring back at me with glowing eyes that were the same colour as hers... I stepped forward; she was dangerously close to the Maze. She turned and ran through the doors as they closed. "NO!" I shouted, so loudly and so hoarsely that it hurt my throat. In spite of my shucked leg, I dropped to my knees, whispering the werewolf's name. Alby and Minho ran over to me.


"No. No, you should've stopped her, you should've bloody stopped her!" I cried. I felt the tears stinging my eyes.

"Pull yourself together, Newt," Minho began. I looked up at him. "There was nothing we could do." He was right. But it hurt anyway.

I walked over to the Maze door that ___ had exited from. I tried calling her name, apologising, banging on the stone, begging for her to return... it was all in vain. The walls were too high and too thick for her to possibly hear me from the other side - or her to hear me. I sat against the wall, crying. The others knew to leave me alone. I sighed through my sobs, "there's no way I'm getting any buggin' sleep tonight."

Reader's POV

I was in! Inside the Maze walls at last! The stone floor was cool against my black paws. And the wind, weak as it was, ruffled through my fur - which was the same colour as my hair. If there was anyone on the other side of the Maze walls, I couldn't smell them, but if I held my ear close enough to the door, I could hear a definite rumble, as if someone was hitting the other side. But who? It wouldn't have been anyone other than Newt or Gally... I whined, before pulling my ears back against my head, closing my eyes and howling as loudly I could, in the hopes that whoever was on the other side would hear me. I couldn't remember when, but I had read somewhere that a wolf's howl could be heard from six miles away.

Newt's POV

After a few minutes, I saw Gally walking over to me from the Homestead. "I'm not moving," I stated. He sat next to me.

"I'm not asking you to," he replied.

"H-how are you so calm about this?" I asked him.

He sighed, "if anyone's gonna survive a night in the Maze, it's gonna be ___. It's a full moon and she's a werewolf... or something. If she wanted to-" we heard a howl from behind the door. Faint, though it was, it was definitely a howl.

"She's alive!" I cried, more tears spilling from my eyes again as Gally and I squealed like schoolgirls. After a very happy moment, we calmed down. Neither of us wanted to say it; the worst was yet to come. ___ had never dealt with a Griever.

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