The Bamboo Prison

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I left the Homestead to find Gally waiting for me outside. Since we had no work to do, we took a stroll through the Glade. "Did you know?" He asked. I shook my head.

"There were some things that make sense added up... I didn't think anything of them at first." He nodded, before asking me if I could transform back on command. I attempted. It hurt once more; my bones cracking and shifting into place as I morphed into my wolf form. It hurt a little less each time I did it, but I knew the pain would never dissipate completely; I would simply have to get used to it.


At lunchtime, after a fair amount of 'wolfy shenanigans', I was sat next to Gally and opposite Newt. "What have you been up to, Newt?" I asked.

"Not much, just arguing with Alby."

"What?" I inquired. Minho plonked down next to Newt with a plate full of food, his mouth was full when he spoke:

"This shank doesn't think you're fit to be a Runner." Food scattered from his mouth.

"She's more than buggin' capable, I just don't want anything to happen to her," Newt argued while munching.

"Just 'cause she's your girlfriend," Minho muttered, shoveling more mouthfuls of food. I sighed, opting to zone out and eat my food in silence.

I pondered on what might have happened if I'd agreed to Alby's suggestion: maybe I'd be able to find a way out of here. I still didn't understand why I was the only girl, nor how it was possible for me to transform into a wolf. The Creators; the people who'd put us all here probably had something to do with that. It felt like we were an experiment; lab rats running around in a cage, trying to get out. Maybe there was a Maze full of girls and a werewolf boy just like me had arrived. Maybe there was a Maze full of werewolves...
"Don't you, ___?" Gally asked me, snapping me out of my reverie.

"Huh?" I looked at him. Newt had disappeared and Minho had finished half of his food already.

"I said you wouldn't mind going back into the Maze tomorrow to see if you can help Minho find something?" Gally asked. I had only just realised that Minho hadn't gone out into the Maze today. It was fair enough; what I had done probably threw everything off-kilter.

"I don't know, Gally. I don't want to worry Newt."

Minho gave me a disgusted look, "you two should just get a room already."
I didn't know what to say. I would have zoned out again but I'd nearly finished my food and the Builders and I had something to do.


We were building a stronger compartment in the Slammer - which was the Glade's jail system, essentially. "What's this for, Gally?" I asked.

He replied without looking back at me, drilling a screw into a beam of wood; "one of the beams broke, we need to make sure all of the cells are secure - in case someone who's Stung before given the Serum breaks out and starts actin' all crazy."
I hadn't seen the effects of anyone being Stung, yet - and I didn't want to find out. Gally looked at me every so often, to the point where I dropped my hammer and pulled his arm.

"Oi, shank. What's going on with you?" He hesitated, before muttering a 'nothing'. "Gally, I can tell when you're lying." Before he could reply, he turned to greet Alby, who was walking over to us with a serious expression on his dark face.

"Is it done, Gally?" He asked, not even looking at me.

"I think so, Alby."

"Good that." He glanced at me quickly, before looking away again. I didn't like this...


That evening, I looked up at the moon. "It's still full?" I muttered to myself. I knew I would transform again, but I hadn't felt the urge to go into the Maze since yesterday.

"Grab her, let's go!" I heard someone's voice whisper from behind me. A rush of footsteps and whispers later, I had been lifted from the ground.

"No, get off me!" Gally had picked me up around the torso. All I could do was shout and kick my legs.

"What the shuck are you doing, let me go!" I shouted.

"I'm sorry, Greenie. It's for your own good." Gally said, carrying me away.

"Oh, so we're back to 'Greenie', now?"

"It's not like that, ___."

"Then put me down." He didn't. I realised where we were heading. "You're taking me to the Pit?"


"No. I helped to build the prison only to be tossed into it myself." I thought I heard someone behind us.

"___," it was the gentle voice of Newt. Or at least, I thought it was but when I craned my neck to look over Gally's shoulder, no one was with us. Whether he was or not, his voice had calmed me.

"I'd much preferred if you had told me and tried to discuss this with me rather than going behind my back." I stated as Gally put me down to open the bamboo door.

"Alby was worried you'd disagree." It didn't make any sense; I thought Alby wanted me in the Maze. I supposed this was the punishment for declining his offer.

"And were you?" He remained silent. I jumped down into the Pit. "Okay." I said. "Goodnight."

"It's only for to-"

"I said goodnight, Gally." I stated sternly. After a moment, he walked away. And quite soon afterwards, I felt the buzzing sensation in my bones that indicated my transformation. I endured the excruciating pain. And once transformed, I curled up to sleep.

GladerWolf (Newt X Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now