Saving the Wolf

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I woke up to Newt and the scent of my favourite food. "Frypan made this especially," he said to me. I slowly sat up and he set the plate on a bed tray in front of me. I thanked him. "Gally's not pleased with me." I asked him why. "I made Tommy a Runner," he chuckled, "he was buggin' bound to be."

"Hm?" I asked "Thomas was bound to be a Runner or Gally was bound to be angry with you?"

He winked, "both." I giggled. "I'll uh... try to make the Pit comfortable for you: given your injury," he looked at my bandaged side.

"You're in charge for now: can't I just-" he shot me a look. "Okay." He'd probably done enough to convince the Gladers not to give me a more harsh sentence.

"Eat your food," he said, placing a kiss atop my head.  He looked as though he was about to leave.

"Is that it?" I whined.

He smirked, before bending to whisper into my ear, "eat up, my Luna. Then maybe I'll come back later and give you dessert." He nibbled on my ear, before promptly standing, turning and leaving the ward. I could feel the cocky smirk on his face from my bed.
I happily ate my food, feeling a great anticipation and butterflies in my stomach of what Newt had planned for me.


When I finished my food, I moved the bed tray off the bed so I could lay back and get some more rest. My fingers were interwined behind my head as I stared up at the ceiling, using my tongue to get bits of food out of my teeth. I decided I should try lying in this position more often; staring at the ceiling. It felt nice for my back and didn't put any strain on the wound in my side.

Jeff returned to change the bandage and check the wound, but when he walked through the door, I was disappointed that he wasn't Newt.
"Is it any better?" I asked, when he'd finished unravelling the bandage.

"Well, it's stopped bleeding. It's just plasma now." He dabbed it with a wet cloth-like fabric.

"Still stings though." I grimaced.

He nodded, "yeah, it will do. I'm gonna let it air for a bit. I'll be back later to bandage it again before you go into the Pit for the night."

"Thanks, Jeff." I replied. I didn't pull the blanket back over me when he left lest it touch my wound. It was difficult to settle myself into a comfortable position, and I didn't want to go back to sleep. I was so bored.


After a short while, there was another knock at the door. Before I could even speak, it opened and Thomas walked inside, Teresa behind him. The boy had a giddy smile on his face and the girl, while less uncertain, still didn't look as though she knew what was going on entirely. "I'm a Runner!" Thomas practically squealed.

"Yes," I replied with a smile, "good on you, shank."

"Oh, I'm here to tell you what happened last night." He moved to sit on the end of my bed and Teresa pulled up a foldable white plastic chair to sit by us. I sat up in my bed and listened intently to what followed...

Previous Night: Thomas' POV

After Minho and I had secured Alby to the wall, hidden as well as possible by ivy, we heard the Griever approaching us. "Looks like ___ didn't scare it off," Minho said, staring at it, his brown eyes widened. "What the shuck do we do?"

"RUN!" We were back on our feet and moving before I'd even said it, which was a good thing because the Griever was fast approaching. We'd have to go back for ___ later. I just hoped nothing bad had happened to her: I wouldn't hear the last of it from Newt, and certainly not from Gally. That's if we even got out of here alive.

I turned one corridor and Minho turned to another. Even though we were friends, I knew we were both silently wishing for the Griever to turn to the other person's corridor. Minho must have wished harder than I did because it turned to follow me: I could hear its metal appendages stabbing into the stone behind me. I didn't dare turn around.

I ran to the end of the corridor and looked at the ivy wall as I passed it: would the Griever reach me if I climbed up there as quickly as possible? I'd have to try.

I leapt onto the wall and climbed as fast as I could, trying to hide myself in the ivy as well as get out of the Griever's reach in the space of under ten seconds. When the slimy creature was in front of the wall, I heard a battle-cry of Minho get progressively louder. What was he doing? "Get down here, Thomas! Check on ___!" He shouted as he just about charged the Griever with a metal appendage - where had he gotten that?

While the Griever was distracted with Minho, I made my way down the wall, running as quietly as possible down another corridor.

When I reached ___, I was shocked to see that her wolf body was strewn on the stone floor of the Maze, blood spilling from an open wound in her side. Even in the darkness of the night, I could see patches of  blood on the floor, dripping in the direction of where I could hear Minho and the Griever fighting. The metal appendage must have come out of the Griever when it stabbed her, and now Minho was using it as a weapon.

I needed to stop the bleeding.

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