The Offer

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I followed Gally through the Glade and towards the Homestead. He called for the Med-Jacks (Clint and Jeff). "Are you hurt?" He asked. When I tried to reply, it didn't work. I wasn't even sure how to transform back, nor if I could. I simply shook my big, furry wolf head. "All right, well we're gonna get that Griever slime off of you." If I could express my gratitude, I would have done. "Newt was crying all night; he didn't sleep a wink." Gosh, I thought. "I didn't sleep, either," he added with a yawn, "but I knew you'd be okay."

An empty bed, a flannel and a basin of warm, soapy water later, I was completely clean, free of the yucky slime that had burdened my lustrous coat. "Is there any chance of you turning back, ___?" Jeff asked. I sat up on the bed and imagined myself turning back into a human. I whined; the pain was immense. I heard and felt my bones shifting and cracking into place and when I opened my eyes again, I was human. "I'll take that as a 'yes'," Jeff laughed, his dark eyes glinting in the sunlight from the windows.

The door opened suddenly to reveal Newt, "can I talk with her alone, please?" He asked Jeff and Gally. Jeff nodded, taking the now-sticky flannel and basin and leaving. Gally folded his arms. "Please?" Gally looked at me.

"I'll be all right," I said with a smile. He nodded curtly, before leaving after Jeff, closing the door behind him. Newt sat on a chair in front of me.

"I'm sorry, ___," he  began, "I shouldn't have ignored you."

"I'm sorry, too; I shouldn't have tried so hard to figure out what happened with your leg." He nodded, looking at his hands, which were intertwined on his lap. "What's wrong?"

He looked up at me, "Minho wants you to be a Runner- or a Night Guard for the Maze. He thinks you'll be useful in getting us outta here."

"Great! I'd be glad to help-"

"No, ___." There was pain evident on his face. I should have known better; if he couldn't sleep at all last night, I don't think he'd be able to bear me going into the Maze again - whether I survived or not.

I placed my hand tentatively onto his and his gaze met mine. I could smell his perspiration. "There wasn't a scratch on me when I left the Maze, Newt," I began. "A bit of slime, which wasn't pleasant, but as soon as I took that Griever's leg, it ran off. I slept peacefully- it didn't bother me again."

"What if next time you aren't as lucky?" He asked, "what if it brings its buggin' friends? What then, ___?" I didn't reply, removing my hand from his. He took it again, "I can't lose you, ___... I-" Before he could finish his sentence, Alby had opened the door. Newt and I quickly released each other's hands.

"You're human, now?" He asked me. I nodded. "Do you think you'd be able to go back into the Maze again tonight?"

"Oh, shuck, no," I replied, trying to look as worried as I could, "I don't even know how I did what I did last night and I don't think I'll be able to do it again." Alby nodded slowly. "Maybe on the next full moon..." I suggested.

"Maybe just stick to building for now, Greenie," he instructed, before looking at Newt and leaving the room. When I turned to look at Newt again, he was smiling like a fool.

"Thank you," he breathed.

"I... you're welcome," I replied with a smile. We shared a happy look for a moment, before I remembered something, "Gally's probably looking for me, I'll see you later, shank."

"Good that, Greenie."

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