The Howling Beast

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The next morning; Newt, Alby, the Keepers and I walked down from the Homestead to the Slammer, where the Glader who had assaulted me was being held. We stared into the Pit to find that instead of a person, there slept a big, snoring wolf with shaggy, dark brown fur. "It's because he kissed me," I sighed. Gally hit his fist on the bamboo bars of the cage:

"WAKE UP, you ugly shank!" He shouted. The wolf whined and cowered into a corner once he woke to see us. "He should be thrown into the Maze before the doors close."

"You don't make the orders here, Gally," Alby replied, his face as hard as stone.

"He's one of my Builders. And I want him out: he assaulted ___ and I know for a fact that she won't want him near her anymore." He explained. It sounded as though all anger he'd had for me before had dissipated, and that he was more worried than anything else.

"He's right," Newt stated before Alby could reply. His usually-brown eyes were gleaming amber again - they were almost fiery.

"Okay, Newt," Alby replied. He knew he wouldn't be able to disagree; it would be morally wrong. "We'll send him out before the doors close."

"How will we do that?" Frypan began, "he's at least 180 pounds of howling beast, how the shuck are we gonna move him without him tearing our arms off?"

"I'll do it myself," Newt seethed, before kissing me on the cheek and offering his hand to mine - I took it, and we walked back towards camp to get breakfast - or at least wait for it (Frypan was still by the Pit, obviously).


That evening, when the sun had begun to set and it was time to banish the Glader, we noticed something. "He hasn't changed back all day," Gally stated. We looked to see that the wolf's clothes were torn, and in a bedraggled heap next to him.

"We don't lose our clothes," Newt mentioned quietly.

"Maybe because this wasn't consensual, so it shucked him," Frypan suggested. I pondered on the thought...
Newt said something to the Glader in Wolf-Tongue, "can you understand me?"
The wolf showed no signs of recognition, still baring his sharp yellow teeth at us and snarling, his ears flattened against his head. This showed that he was defending rather than attacking.

"He's probably confused."

"Shuck... you," the wolf managed to say.

"C'mon, there's nothing we can do now," Alby pushed.

Newt and I transformed as Alby and Gally prepared to open the Pit door. The wolf lunged out at us, snapping at us wildly. We both growled and Newt bit his leg. He whined and tucked his tail between his legs; we herded him through the Glade and towards the Maze doors. When he realised what we were doing, he whimpered and tried to fight back; we stopped him with threatening growls and he trotted timidly out into the Maze himself, looking back at us with sad grey eyes, his tail still tucked beneath his body. We didn't break eye contact as the Maze doors creaked and shifted to a terrible halt. Newt and I transformed back and held one another's embrace - it was good to do that, after the pain of shifting and the heartbreak of what we'd had to do. "It feels like we betrayed him," I said in wolf-tongue.

"He betrayed you first."

"But he's one of us now."

"And you weren't given the opportunity to make that choice." He was right: Of course he was.

"I know that wasn't easy for you, ___," Alby began, placing his hand on my shoulder. "It's not the first time we've had to banish someone. But it's for the best: none of this works unless there's trust. And giving him a second chance to sexually assault you would have made Newt kill that slinthead himself." I thanked him, and Newt and I made our way back to the Homestead, where we slept for another night in the same bed; warm, comforted, safe. For now, at least.

GladerWolf (Newt X Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now