Gally's Nemesis

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When the time came again for a new Greenie, Newt was helping Zart with the crops and I was - in wolf form - running laps around the Glade. I had a feeling that Alby would try to send me into the Maze again soon - he'd been asking questions and talking to some other Runners while looking at me, so I was sure to prepare myself for what I believed would soon happen - I knew that this time, I wouldn't have a choice. I was passing the wide-open East doors when the sound from the familiar beeping alarm filled my ears. I didn't stop, though; I kept on running as a few Gladers jogged to the centre of the Glade. Among them I saw Gally, with a tired and agitated look on his face. By now, he had lost his patience and will to escape. We hadn't spoke much recently, either - he'd mostly kept to himself after being Stung two and a half weeks ago. He'd not really been the same since. He'd been given the Serum, of course, but there was still a constant look of annoyance in his eyes, as if there was something he couldn't fix. No one had asked him about it. And I learnt from the first time I'd been intrusive and said too much (when I'd asked Newt about his leg).

I continued running, when all of a sudden, I heard shouts and mocking cheers from the other Gladers; the Greenie was running towards the open Maze doors, very quickly. I turned and bounded towards him before knocking him to the ground easily with my head. He tumbled and fell onto the grass. Where did he think he was going? Wouldn't he have been safer actually talking to the people here? He must have had a hard time... I stepped back and sat down and, slowly, the Greenie stood up and looked around. Realisation dawned on his pale, sweaty face. His dark hair was stuck to his forehead and his blue shirt also had obvious sweat patches. I thought I'd stay as a wolf for the time being; he didn't need another shock. A few Gladers - Gally included - jogged over to us. "We're taking him to the pit," one of them said to me. I nodded, before standing and nudging the Greenie's leg. 

"Wh- the pit? What's that?" He asked. Two Gladers took the Greenie by his arms, and I kept him moving forward by walking behind him.

"It's only while you calm down," the one who had spoken to me said. Why does he need to calm down there?

"Yeah, you can't just run off like that," the other one added. I wanted to ask for the Greenie's name.

"Look, I'm sorry, I just," he began, "I wanna know what's-"

"You can ask questions when you're done with time-out," Gally interjected. I wanted to bite his leg, to tell him not to be so rude. I refrained. What good would it do?


When the Greenie had finally been let out of the pit, I was still running laps around the Glade. Newt had stopped me when I neared the crop fields a couple of times to check on me and to ask about the Greenie - since I'd passed the bamboo prison during my run. "He tried whistling to me," I stated.

"What did you do?" He asked with an amused smile.

"I stopped and let him pat my head. He stinks of fear. But he's also anticipating something. You should probably let him out, Newt: Give him a tour, he's bored." Newt nodded. We turned to see that Alby had already let the Greenie out, and was walking him over to us.

"Hey, you alright, Alby?" Newt asked cheerfully.

"Greenbean, meet Newt. When I'm not around, he's in charge." I watched as Newt shook the Greenie's hand.

"Well it's a good thing you're always around, then," he turned to the Greenie, "listen, that was some dash you made earlier. You know for a second there, I thought you had the chops to be a Runner. Till ___ knocked you over," he looked at me, chuckling. "That was great." I wagged my tail.

"Wait, a Runner?"

"Newt, do me a favour," Alby began, ignoring him, "go and find Chuck." He was being nicer than usual. But, then again, he always was when there was a new Greenie. "Go with him, wolf," he said to me. I did as I was told - albeit annoyed that I had been demoted to 'wolf'.

"When is he gonna let me turn back?" I asked Newt as we walked. I enjoyed being a wolf, but I liked to feel as though I could be whatever form I chose.

"You know I don't know that. This Greenie is skittish, and the Maze doors are still wide open. We're probably gonna leave that until later."

"What's his name?"

"I don't know..." We saw Chuck sitting on his hammock, holding a piece of wood and a carving knife. "Hey, Chuck. Alby wants you - grab some supplies for the Greenie."

"You got it, Newt. Hi, ___. I'm guessing you're stuck like that for a while, huh?" He chuckled. I nodded.


Later that day, when it was about time for the Runners to return, I saw the Greenie and Chuck standing by the Maze doors. They were moving closer and closer. "This one asks a lot of questions," Newt said aloud.

"Then answer them."

"We can't give him too many surprises in one day."

"Klunk. He's got just as much right to know what's going on as everyone else here-" I stopped talking when I saw Gally push the Greenie to the ground. He scrambled to stand and a few of us hurried over to them.

"Just relax," Gally instructed, trying to usher the boy away from the Maze.

"Hey, what the hell is wrong with you guys?" the Greenie exclaimed.

"Just calm down, alright?" Newt added, holding out his hands to show him he didn't have anything to worry about.

"No. Why don't you tell me what's out there?"

"We're just tryna protect you, man," Alby replied.

"For your own good," Newt continued. This was klunk. All of it. I walked off as they continued arguing and the Maze doors began to grind to a halt. They didn't need to treat him like that just because he was curious.

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