Another Griever, Another Fight

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Minho placed Alby carefully on the ground next to him. "Good job," he said to Thomas as he slipped off my back and onto the stone. "You just killed yourself." He was knelt on the ground, exhausted. He looked like he'd given up trying to get out of the Maze and was about to lay back and let the worst happen to him.

Thomas looked up at me. "We've got ___. She's done it before, hasn't she?" I nodded, wagging my tail proudly. I could protect them all with ease: be a heroine. "What's happened to Alby?"

"He was Stung. The Grievers are out during the day now," Minho explained tiredly, looking at the leader's limp body on the stone floor.

"Ben was Stung, too," Thomas began, "he attacked me."

"Gosh..." Minho breathed. Things really were becoming strange, now: Probably ever since I'd arrived. I was a wolf, after all: that abnormality went without saying.

I nudged the boys closer to the ivy-covered wall and walked to the end of the Maze's corridor, looking out in all directions, trying to pick up the scent of any Grievers: I picked up the familiar scent of the horrid slime and oily metal from the corridor on my right. The killing machine was far, but it was on its way. I needed to find a way to tell them this, because I didn't want to transform again. We needed to protect Alby.

I walked back to the boys and pointed my foreleg at the corridor the Griever was approaching from, folded my ears back against my head and whimpered. I really hoped they'd get the message. "Do you want us to go that way?" Thomas asked. I shook my head violently.

"I think she's saying there's a Griever coming," Minho began. Relief surged through me, "we need to hide this shank."

I followed the boys around a corridor as they carried Alby's now-limp, unconscious body as best they could. "We can tie him into the vines on the wall; they won't find him," Thomas suggested. They didn't have long: I could hear the clicks, whirrs and appendage-stabs of the Griever growing ever-louder and ever-closer. I couldn't smell or hear any others nearby, so I left to hold the approaching one off so the boys wouldn't get hurt. "___, where are you going?" Thomas called after me. How could I reply when he didn't understand me? I couldn't. I bounded through the Maze.

After a few corridors and turns, I was facing the Griever. When it saw me, it stopped - as if the one I attacked before had told it about me, and how I'd brutally torn off its metal leg.
After a moment, the shock must have passed though, because we both simultaneously started to charge towards each other. It probably would have looked like a dramatic anime scene where two characters who shouldn't physically exist are running, and running, and running, towards each other, only to somehow not be worn-out by the run to still have the energy to fight.

As we neared, I grabbed one of the Griever's legs and ran underneath its slimy torso. It fell forward from the momentum of the run and the leg was pulled from its body. It let out a guttural screech, as though it truly felt pain. I dropped the metal appendage on the stone floor and charged toward the face of the mechanical creature, snarling with my teeth bared. I don't know when it happened, but at some point, I was jabbed in the side. I turned quickly to snap at the cause of the searing pain, but ended up yelping as the pain only increased. Blood was spilling from the wound in my side and dripping onto the stone. Before I could do anything else, I saw another appendage quickly coming toward my face. I didn't have time to move.

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