A Souvenir

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Reader's POV

I'm a werewolf... okay. All right, I'm a werewolf. Shuck yeah! This is a thousand times better than being on my period. I thought to myself. Okay... now, why am I here and what do I do when the-... I heard a sound that was both familiar and terrifying: the clicks and grunts of a Griever. I walked forward and turned a corner to see the creature emerging from another corridor. It was huge; a thing of nightmares! 'Half metal spider and half slime bug' is what I would call it. Its metal legs stabbed into the stone ground as horrid green slime oozed from its body, dripping onto the ground. "The Runners have to step on this?" I asked myself as I avoided staining my paws with some Griever slime that was already on the ground. The Griever opened its huge mechanical jaws and roared, slime spraying from its mouth. I folded my ears back against my head and snarled, before we charged towards one another. I'd have to be very smart with this; anticipating its moves and defending myself simultaneously was not something I had practiced - there wasn't exactly a martial arts club in the Glade.

Newt's POV

We heard the roar of a Griever, but anything else that followed was inaudible or non-existent. Gally made his way back to the Homestead as I sobbed, tears blinding me as I stared at the moon.

Reader's POV

The Griever poked one of its spiked appendages towards me. I dodged. It threw its scorpion-like tail over towards me and I dodged again, running towards a leg that didn't appear to have any slime on its metal joints. I grabbed it in my jaws, and kicked another with my back leg. Quickly, I dodged another attack and pulled the creature to the ground. Which did... nothing. I bounded into another corridor and it followed me, rolling like an armadillo. This made it very fast, and I could feel the rumble of its great weight beneath my paws, vibrating the stone floor. I needed somewhere to hide, or at least to trick the creature. I wondered if it would get dizzy...

Eventually, I managed to find a sharp corner to turn into in order to evade the creature. It continued rolling and crashed into another one of the Maze walls. I took the chance and bounded up to it, leaping at it to knock it to the ground, not caring about the slime now, and grabbed onto one of its metal legs with my jaws, pulling as hard as I could until it fell free from the creature. It let out a ghastly screech, knocking me from its grotesque body before hurrying away from me. I dragged the metal leg towards the Maze door and laid down next to it, settling to sleep.


I awoke with the sunrise, before the doors had even opened. I assumed that when the doors did open, there would be people on the other side, whether they were Runners or not. I shook my coat, but the slime wouldn't shake free. Yuck. I picked up the Griever leg and stood proudly a short way from the door. Wait, should I go to a corridor and stand there so I can make a grand entrance? I thought. I only had a few seconds to decide, the low rumble of the doors indicated that they were about to open. I elected to stay where I was; it was less panic for the Gladers that way.

The first person I saw was Newt; his eyes were bloodshot and I could smell his fear; it was radiating off of him like smoke. As soon as the doors had opened wide enough for a person to fit through, he ran through the gap towards me. I dropped the metal leg and I couldn't help my tail wagging when he hugged me, trying not to cry in his relief. He couldn't lift me, I was too heavy. But I was nearly his height when I stood on my hind legs so that's what I did, my forelegs over his shoulders. Next, Gally and Alby stormed into the Maze; the former to hug me and the latter to see what I had picked up. "This is from a Griever." Alby declared. A few other Gladers hurried into the Maze around us.

"Did she kill a Griever?"

"Is she a wolf full-time now?" More questions built up from the other Gladers, until Alby silenced them:

"Gally, get ___ cleaned up."

"But-" Newt interjected.

"Newt, Minho, you're with me. Help me figure out what we do with this. Everyone else, back to work." The Gladers dispersed.

GladerWolf (Newt X Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now