Into the Maze (Again)

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The sky was a little bit cloudy, but I could tell that it wasn't going to rain. I noticed Gally and a couple of other Builders working on a fence in the Track-Hoes' garden. Seeing that Newt wasn't there, I approached, a smile on my face. Gally noticed, looking at me with a smile, before handing me a hammer. I took it, tossing and catching it. We spent a moment looking at each other, reminiscing probably, before he offered me a nail and pointed to a pencil mark in the wood. I reached out my hand to take it from him, and he took a hammer from a toolbox on the floor, picking up a nail himself. In my hammer's wooden handle, I noticed my initials. I'd etched them in when I first arrived. "That was my favourite hammer," Gally said to me, when he noticed I was looking at it. He used his hands to support the wood I needed to hammer into. "Until you etched into it." I started using the hammer where the pencil mark was. "I was so annoyed. I thought 'this girl-shank is gonna wreck all our tools by making everything look pretty'." He chuckled and I started laughing. "That hammer's the only one that hasn't broke in all the time I've been in the Glade. I don't think your mark made a difference."

"I've missed you, Gally." I said to the Keeper.

"I know, shank. C'mon, these nails aren't gonna hammer themselves."


After a couple of hours of working in various places, I passed Newt on the way to the lunch line. He called my name, but I ignored him, turning to Gally as if I was talking to him. "He's gone," Gally whispered after a moment. I turned back to face the direction of the line. "You should probably talk to him."

"Later," I replied. Gally knew why I was angry with Newt; we'd spoken about it while working. He didn't say anything. "I know you're angry with him, too."

"What can I do? I take orders from him, he takes orders from Alby. I reckon it's him you should be mad at." I gritted my teeth. It wasn't the first time Alby had caused problems for me.

"Where is he now?" I asked as we shuffled forward in the lunch line.

"In the Maze, apparently."

"What?" He'd said it so nonchalantly, as if the Glade's Alph- leader, was supposed to be trotting around between the walls of stone.


That afternoon, when it was almost time for the Runners to return to the Glade, we saw Ben charging towards Thomas and attacking him "I saw you!" He screeched, "I saw you!" Newt and a few others hurried over to them, pulling the Runner off of the Greenie.

"What the hell...?"

"Lift up his shirt, now!" Newt instructed. Someone did so. The boys flinched and stepped backwards; on his ribs were an array of black veins, spreading to the rest of his body like an electric spider. "He's been Stung!" I looked up at Gally, who averted his gaze. "Get him to the Pit."

As Ben was being dragged away, kicked and yelling, the rest of us walked over to the Maze doors, which were beginning to shut. "That's Minho!" Someone exclaimed. He was right: Minho had just turned a corner, holding a hobbling Alby with him.

"They're not gonna make it," Newt said as the boys hobbled towards us as quickly as they could. Thomas looked at me helplessly. I nodded, before transforming. He vaulted onto my back and I bounded past the other Gladers into the Maze, shoving a few of them in the process. See ya, Gally, I thought. Newt called my name in wolf-speak.

'I'll be all right', I said to him, thinking that despite my grudge, I could be half-decent. 'Take care of Gally'.

GladerWolf (Newt X Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now