Newt's Leg/ The Sand Dream

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We were glad to be out in the open again. And, in spite of our hunger, we ate slowly as to not seem violent. Alby kept his eye on us the whole time and nobody else wanted to sit near us. When the other Gladers had finished their food and had left to return to their jobs, Alby kept us behind. We still needed to suggest the idea of a wolf journal... "Your next test will be to see if you can transform on command. It's all good an' well if you shucks can be big, strong dogs. But can you turn human on command?"

"It hurts to transform," Newt and I stated at once.

"How?" He asked, without missing a beat.

"Your bones are cracking and moving to fit a wolf's body- what did you expect?" I explained aggressively.

"Watch your tone, Greenbean," he warned. I huffed, before resting my head in my arms on the wooden bench-table. If we were going to be tested like animals, then perhaps we'd be better off in the Maze. "Transform," Alby instructed.

"Are you shucking kidding m-"

"I won't ask twice." Newt and I stood from the table and shifted. "Good, now sit." Newt and I looked at one another; surely Alby was joking. "Sit or I don't trust you." We did as he said, as shucked as this was. "Paw." We both lifted our dominant side paw. "The other one." We did as he said but it felt like a disgusting form of humoured torture. I hoped he wasn't enjoying this; we weren't pets, no matter what form we took. "Roll over." Newt and I looked at one another. Alby chuckled, "okay, okay, I can tell you're still people. Turn back." Once more, we did as he said. When Newt turned back, there were tears in his eyes. I shuffled over to him to hug him.

"Are you okay?"

"My leg is fixed as a wolf. Whenever I turn back, it breaks itself again."

"I'm sorry, Newt," Alby began, seeming to realise his mistake. "You know I'm only trying to protect the Glade. I... I'll stop testing you guys. But just don't go into the shuck Maze, okay?"

"Good that," Newt managed to say, though his teeth were gritted and his face was not that of chipper forgiveness. Nor was mine, in all truth. How dare Alby treat us like animals?


After the Box had come up with supplies, Newt and I wrote down out suggestion for a wolf journal onto a piece of paper and tossed it in. We then walked to the forest and sat under the protective canopy, our backs against a wide oak tree. "Do you want to know what happened to my leg?" Newt asked after a while of silence. I nodded:

"If it's not too much to ask. I don't wanna intrude."

"A couple of years ago, when we first came into the Glade, I was fed up. My friends were dying around me and there was nothing I could do. It was depressing..." seeing darkness cloud his eyes, I rested my hand on his. He stroked his thumb against my hand, "I wanted an end to it. So, when I was running in the Maze, I climbed up one of those walls," he averted his gaze, staring angrily at a Beetle Blade standing on a twig, "and jumped off it."

"Newt..." I turned his face gently toward mine and threw a rock at the intrusive Beetle Blade, crushing it instantly. Newt looked to see it and smiled at me. The moment passed as the memory he had been speaking about returned to him.

"Alby found me and dragged me out. But this buggin' leg's never been the same." I turned Newt's cheek so he would face me again.

"I'm here for you, got that?" I kissed him gently on the cheek.

He smiled gratefully, "thank you, ___."

"So, you were one of the strongest and fastest of the Glade," I flirted, "a Runner?"

"It's not as glamorous as it sounds," he dismissed.

"I don't want to be a Runner. I just want to hear about you." He calmed down, and began to tell me what his routine had been as a Runner.

"...we didn't come back for lunch; had to bring that with us and eat it on a break around midday. We mapped everything down on paper; every buggin' route, and put it in the Map Room. They're all there, every slip of paper, even my ones. But now, there's a model on the table - Minho's idea. It helps to visualise the whole Maze. Certain parts of it can move, the same way the Maze moves every night..." I listened intently. Yes, we were stuck in a big field in an even bigger Maze, but it was so interesting to hear how every person worked here to contribute to our escape. My only fear was that this was a trap; a set-up - the people who sent us here watching us with their Beetle Blades and laughing at our expense. It was a horrid thought; I tried to shove it out of my mind. It returned. Newt noticed there was something on my mind and stopped talking. "Hey," I looked up at him.

"People have died here, Newt, I..." it felt as though this whole thing was some doggy assault course, far worse than the test Alby had put us through earlier.

"I know. I won't let you be one of them." He held my hands in his and kissed them.

"What about you?" He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me, stroking my arms with his thumbs and rocking me slightly.

"Right now, we're safe. You're in my arms and I'm right here with you. For now, this is all I bloody care about, ___." He spoke softly and placed a kiss on my head when he'd finished talking. He was right.

I fell asleep in his arms and dreamed peacefully of a world full of sand and empty buildings to explore. Newt was there too. It was ridiculously warm, with not a tree or lake in sight. But I didn't seem to care. The sun was bright and the sky was clear and I had Newt with me. That's all that mattered.

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