Hunger Game

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I bounded after him, catching up very quickly, and leapt on top of him, pinning him to the ground. I thought things would be easy from there; the other Gladers would most likely have seen and come to investigate. We'd take him to Clint and Jeff and figure out what the shuck was wrong with him.

Oh, how wrong I was. Suddenly, he cried out in pain as his bones cracked and shifted. I stepped off his writhing body and watched as be transformed... into a light blonde-furred, amber-eyed... wolf.



Gally was at my side within seconds, Alby following closely behind. I couldn't transform back yet; not if I needed to chase after him. "Greenie," Alby began, in a low and intimidating tone. "What the shuck did you do?" I shuffled about on my paws and whimpered, barked. I hope it conveyed that I was just as confused as he was. A flash of recognition appeared on his dark face; his eyes widened for a moment, before narrowing again. Rage radiated from him like smoke off fire. "That kiss. You turned him, you turned him into a monster! Lock them in the Pit, Gally." I looked at Newt, who was standing next to me, his ears flattened against his head and his tail tucked beneath him. "I said LOCK THEM UP!" He shouted. Newt and I whimpered as we followed Gally towards the Slammer. I'd never seen Alby so angry.


Newt and I were separated into two different pits, looking up at Gally with puppy eyes. He stood where he could see us both, arms folded and shaking his head. "What did ya do, Greenie?" He asked me. Carefully, I transformed back into a human.

"I... we-..."

"We kissed," Newt said bluntly. I didn't realise he'd done the same, and I couldn't see him from where I was.

"A kiss caused you to be a werewolf, too?" Gally asked, his face full of confusion and his thin eyebrows furrowed.

"Look, I can control my wolf self. I'm fine," I stated, partially trying to convince myself as well as Gally.

"Until the next full moon," Gallly interjected.

"Even so, that's a month away. I have time to make sure Newt knows what he's doing. Just talk to Alby for us... please?" I was standing at the front of the pit, my face barely reaching the bamboo bars. I was sure all Gally could see was anything above my nose.

"Fine," Gally tutted.

"Good that," Newt responded gratefully as Gally walked away. Newt and I rushed to the wall that separated us, trying to reach through the bars above us to hold hands. "We'll be okay, all right, ___?"

"I'm a monster, and I've turned you, too: I turned Alby's most trusted friend." Newt's grip on my hand tightened.

"You didn't know. This wasn't your fault. The second we're out, we'll get through this together." He was very sweet. I thought for a moment, and was delighted when a decent idea came to mind.

"Hang on, perhaps we can suggest a werewolf journal from the Creators? Maybe that way, we'll know what to do."

"That's a good idea, ___." I could hear his smile through his voice. Everything was going to be fine.


Newt and I were sat with our backs against the dirt wall that separated us. After what felt like a long time, Gally returned with Alby. Winston was with them, too - towing two goats. "We're going to test you," Gally began, "if you can sit here without attacking the goats, you'll be let out." It sounded simple enough.

"Then you'll be put through a series of tests to see if you're safe out of the Pits at night," Alby added. My face dropped. He chuckled at my reaction, "it's for the safety of the Glade. And if it weren't for this shank here, I might'a just let you rot." I blinked; had I heard him correctly? Tests?

The bamboo doors were opened, and the goats placed in. I stood up, slowly, worried he was going to attack me with those sharp, black horns. "We're safe from them, aren't we?" I asked Winston. He shrugged:

"Just don't aggravate 'em." Helpful. The three boys left to get on with their work. Gally hesitated before he left, but what could he do? He was confused with us in the first place and I was quite sure that, at the time, he didn't see us as human.


"You good, Newt?" I asked after a quiet while - quiet expect for the shuffling and erratic goat bleats. I'd made friends with mine, he was laying on my lap.

"Not that I want to attack it... but I didn't have breakfast and..." he was hungry. It wasn't long before I realised I was, too. I felt my stomach grumble and my goat stood up. He was standing still at first, but when he bent his head down so his horns were facing me, I tutted.

"You better not, goat." He charged towards me and I used my hands to push him away. I was against the dirt wall, so he couldn't push me any further. Luckily, Winston arrived and was quite pleased we hadn't slaughtered his livestock.

"Okay, let's get you guys out. Fry thought you'd be hungry." Heavenly words, indeed. "___?"

"Your goat's tryna kill me," I declared with a sarcastic smile. Winston quickly opened my cage and the goat leapt out easily. I climbed out after him.

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