The Burrow! Part 1

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*At the Burrow*  M: "come on in kids, *Kimberly walks in behind George* oh you must be Kimberly dear, lovely to finally meet you!" K: "Its lovely to meet you as well Mrs. Weasley!" M: "Please dear call me Molly!" K: "okay thank you Molly, which room will I be staying in? My bag is a little heavy" M: "she's in your room so show her up there will you!" G: "of course mum" *George takes you up to his room, and you both put all your stuff down* G: "well I've been waiting for a while to do this" *George runs over to you, picks you up and kisses you* K: "not that I didn't enjoy it, but what was that for?" G: "because, I have been holding that kiss in all day" K: "you're so cute!" G: "I know I am but you, you are gorgeous" *Kimberly blushes* K: "ah the Weasley charm" G: "what do you mean did Fred or Ron try to charm you?" K: "no, but I've noticed them use it on other people Georgie. Don't worry, no one is going to flirt with me, not when they know my father, and what I'm capable of!" G: "okay love you wanna watch a movie?" K: "I would love too!" M: "Kids dinner" K: "right after dinner!" *George chuckles lightly as you walk down the stairs* M: "ah Kimberly dear you'll sit between Fred and George!" K: "alright fine" *Kimberly sits between Fred and George* F: "you didn't have to sound so disappointed to sit next to us love!" G: "yea, that hurt my feelings darling" *George makes a pouty face, Kimberly kisses George on the cheek* K: "I'm sorry Georgie, sorry Fred!" F: "where's my kiss love" G: "you don't get one "love" sorry" F: "not fair, I deserve one too, you hurt my feelings as well" K: "you are so weird*Kimberly kisses Freds cheek* there so you'll stop" G: "why did you do that?" K: "so he would shut up, now eat both of you!" F: "but-" K: "but nothing eat" F: "fine" G: "no" K: "Molly, can I be excused" M: "of cou-" G: "where are you going?" K: "first off don't interrupt your mother and second, I'm going to the room so you two can stop arguing, thank you for dinner but ill eat later!" M: "that's fine dear" *Kimberly goes up to Georges room and lays down, falls asleep* *Everyone comes upstairs, Fred and George come into Georges room laughing* G: "oh hush Fred" F: "why? Oh!" G: "She looks so beautiful when she's sleeping" F: "she does. Let's watch a movie!" G: "Okay." *Fred and George start a movie* (an hour and a half later) *the movie ends and Kimberly starts to wake up, Fred goes to his room* G: "Good evening my little sunflower!" K: "good evening Georgie" G: "go on back to sleep im headed there myself" K: "Okay goodnight Georgie" *Kimberly nuzzles up next to George, as George wraps his arms around her and they both fall asleep*

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