The Morning After!

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G: "Darling wake up, your dad and I made breakfast"  K: "In a minute love, I'm gonna put my clothes on I have to go out today" G: "Oh where are we going" K: "well if you want to come, I'm meeting Draco for lunch today" G: "Oh alright, I would love to go" K: "Okay be ready by 11:30, I have some shopping to do before lunch" G: "Okay" *Kimberly gets ready and they head upstairs* S: "Good morning Sweetheart, I hope you still like pancakes" K: "I love pancakes" S: "Good, so what are your plans today dear" K: "I have lunch with Draco today, George is going to accompany me" S: "Alright, dear be careful" K: "Always dad" *Kimberly looks over at uncle Remus* K: "So uncle Remus, can I ask a favor of you" RL: "Of course dear" K: "While George and I are at lunch were picking up a few things, could you go to Knockturn alley and-" RL: "Knockturn alley?" K: "Yes, I need some poisonous candles and Diagon Alley doesn't sell them" RL: "Why may I ask" K: "Well, it's possible, that I may need them to get rid of something in the basement, there's this noise I keep hearing at night, and I think maybe someone is sneaking in through the basement door, I mean obviously it's a wizard, but, who would be sneaking in at 2am" H: "Oh i'm sorry Kim, that's me, I have been waking up and going outside to think, I apologize" K: "Oh alright, nevermind then uncle Remus, are you alright though Harry? Is something bothering you?" H: "Kind of but I don't want anyone to worry" K: "Well alright, why don't you all go to diagon alley with us later, just go look around my lunches with Draco are normally an hour or so" H: "I would love too if it's not to much trouble" K: "None at all, anyone else" R&HG: "I'll go" K: "Okay it's 10:30 now we leave in an hour" H: "Okay" S: "Why are you going to lunch with Draco again" K: "Well dad I have been going to lunch with Draco since I was four, so we decided to continue the tradition, now" S: "Okay then have fun dear" (an hour later everyone arrives at Diagon Alley)

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