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*at the Black residence Kimberly and the others walk through the door* S,RL,M,A,T: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" K: "Thank you guys! *Kimberly hugs Sirius* Thanks dad!" S: "You're welcome sweetheart, I made your favorite for dinner" K: "Thank you dad! I'm gonna go unpack" S: "Okay, show everyone to their rooms" K: "ALRIGHT EVERYONE LET'S MOVE" RL: "Kim, you're not a prefect anymore" K: "Sorry force of habit, let's go everyone" *Kimberly shows everyone to their rooms* K: "And George bunks with me" *Kimberly and George go to their room* G: "Here, let me get that for you love" K: "Thank you George" (After dinner getting ready for the party) *George walks in, Kimberly is wearing this* 

*at the Black residence Kimberly and the others walk through the door* S,RL,M,A,T: "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" K: "Thank you guys! *Kimberly hugs Sirius* Thanks dad!" S: "You're welcome sweetheart, I made your favorite for dinner" K: "Thank you dad! I'm gon...

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G: "Hey love I- wow you look gorgeous" K: "Thank you handsome, is it to much" G: "Maybe for just the two of us, but for a party it's perfect" K: "George, I'm serious" G: "Me too, I'll take it off of you right now" K: "No George, I can't be late for my own party" G: "We can have our own little party, come on love" K: "Later honey, I promise" *Kimberly and George walk upstairs, with the music going everyone yells HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM!" (A few hours of partying and everyone goes home) 

The Daughter of Sirius Black! G.WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now